(JaiChai) A few of the first NFTs I ever sold...

in nft •  6 months ago 

(JaiChai) "Codename: Ms. Uno"

Ms Uno.gif

Ms. Uno is a member of billionaire Raymond Kohl's hand-selected Personal Security Detail (secretly known as "The Pool").

The Security Detail is an elite group of beautiful, highly trained and fiercely loyal bodyguards/operatives.

They perform their versatile duties/missions around the globe.

Most of them are war-proven ex-Special Force soldiers.

These veterans are smart, tenacious and absolutely lethal...

"Codename: Ms. Uno" NFT on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/63477199864332346876047430691250883279803745216811129316337883344483861397505/

(JaiChai) "Codename: Ms. Ett"


Ms. Ett was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden.

Prior to joining billionaire Raymond Kohl's Personal Security Detail,* Ms. Ett had some rather unusual jobs.

Here's a short list of previous employment.

(Note: Some of these jobs were done simultaneously.)

Student, Uppsala University, Sweden. Completed Baccalaureate Degree in Political Science and International Studies. Graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Analyst, Militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänsten (Military Intelligence and Security Service).

Model, Victoria's Secret & Co.

Performer, Cirque du Soleil.

Deck Hand, Alaskan King Crab Fishing, F/V Northwestern.

Her hobbies and interests include: Motorcycles, Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seals, Yoga, Canine Rescue, DeFi and cryptocurrency.

Parting Shot: Ms. Ett is an expert contortionist and has evaded capture in the past by hiding in spaces no larger than an airline suitcase.

*The Security Detail - known as "The Pool" to its members and insiders, is an elite group of highly trained and fiercely loyal bodyguards, combat survival instructors and covert operatives - all under the guise of being an ordinary Executive Secretary...

"Codename: Ms. Ett" NFT on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/63477199864332346876047430691250883279803745216811129316337883351080931164161/

(JaiChai) "Codename: Ms. Dì yī"


On October 30, 2015, China ditched it's 35 year "one-child per couple" policy and changed it to "two children per family" instead.

However, for the poor families in the remote regions of China the new law hasn't changed their reality.

Male children are still preferred over females because they are considered more valuable to the family; while females are viewed as monetary burdens.

Consequently, many baby girls are left to perish in woodlands, drowned like unwanted kittens in rivers or abandoned on roadsides.

The Chinese government knows this and collects these unwanted babies for their secret "Nameless Female Army".

Ms. Dì yī is a product of that program.

From the beginning, she proved to be a gifted child, highly intelligent, resourceful and determined to succeed.

Her successful missions became the stuff of legends within the Intelligence community.

But many foreign Intelligence Agencies discounted the stories as mere myth; believing that Ms. Dì yī was simply a covert misinformation ploy by Chinese Intelligence.

She was real, indeed.

And apparently, the Chinese government inadvertantly trained Ms. Dì yī too well...

Submitted for your entertainment.

Enjoy the Original Art.

"Codename: Ms. Dì yī" NFT on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/63477199864332346876047430691250883279803745216811129316337883348881907908609/

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech,



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