Happy New Year Blurters

in newyear •  3 years ago 

I've been away for a couple of days. Would have posted something before I left but Blurt was mysteriously down on the 31st which was bad timing as I was about to do a show plugging Blurt again. It managed to come back on just in time for the show tho.
Here's the show I did anyway, talking about my Blurt Blog articles and other things -

Image or illustration only

None of my usual links seem to work with Blurt to embed which is a shame too. please add Odysee to embeddable video links Blurt developers.
Here's the show on my Odysee-

Image for illustration only

Sorry it doesn't embed, that's still a Blurt issue.
Hope you all had a good New Year. we didn't as hogmanay was cancelled in Scotland so no live feed, no bagpipes and even Big Ben was frozen on the internet. My friend sang Auld Lang Syne in the bathroom for maximum voice projection. If only I'd video'd that!!
I hear 2022 is gonna be more ridiculous than 20 and 21 so buckle up for a rough ride.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think Covid is going to be finished here in Canada in about 38 days. At the rate they are reporting Covid cases we will reach 38 million in 38 days. Omicron is like a common cold so, we will be back to normal very soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wonder what they're cooking up now..?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



They will be working on the eco-totalitarianism and alien invasions next.
This film outlines everything and seems quite plausible

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This video is weird.....

It's intellectually dishonest.
I'm very cynical of words written by man, as ever being the 'ultimate 'truth'.

Circular arguments cannot be dismantled, by definition (low IQ , imo)
All fundamentalist religions are defined by their circular arguments and necessitate contradiction (faith).

'If principals remain the same, only the terrain changes' - which is a one liner rule of thumb that seems to fit most things .... then strict adherence to Christianity as taught by the bible ( written by men) is expression loving authoritarianism - the ultimate centralization.
I find this a ridiculous proposition if there's a a single benevolent god.

In theological terms, truth is god (even said by 'big J', I believe - according to the bible writings - I'm no theologian).

Christianity -as sold by those insisting it's 'ultimate truth' - is a funny concept. (as are all 'organized religions' in my opinion).

Truth is god - love is the way - basically taught by all religions - and here's the rub - but if you don't adhere to our interpretation of what we say is truth, then we're gonna persecute and kill ya !
...all in the name of 'truth' and 'love', of course.

I think I'm more of a 'christian' than 90% of most Christians! ( from what I've seen to date) - I don't guilt trip people for being honest, for starters! lol

'Satan is revealing himself to the world through the truth '....yeah, right...lol...

As I say, I find the perspective of the video intellectually dishonest , and philosophically ridiculous ( even if you were to argue it from the strict christian perspective with an understanding that truth and god, 'is the light and the way') .

I'll have my coffee now...

Yeh I have the same misgivings especially when it comes to the old testaments. I judge the words themselves personally. I am not a big fan of religions either but I want to believe in Jesus because all his teachings are good. I've heard from many sources that the bible is all code too and most of the stories are allegories not factual or historical.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think (for me), the most important thing is to acknowledge a 'higher', power - It gives you a sense of perspective....If the higher power you believe in is not benevolent, you really need to ask yourself some questions about your own psychology! lol

I agree, if the world was more closely following the basic 'Jesus teachings', the world would be a much happier place.

I listened to a fascinating take on early Christianity and 'the church'. (how it was basically a Roman PR exercise to keep the Palestinians servile)...I have no idea who made it, or what it was called though..bugger

yes I've read all the conspiracy theories (a lot anyway) even the ones claiming Jesus was a masonic, bloodline set up. I've also looked into the annunaki, nephilim and all that but it's hard to find anything pre-biblical as in the people who were outside the 'garden of eden' and the fist cloned people. Where are the writings from those people? They say we lived like the indigenous peoples, simply and with nature and it was the 'watchers' or fallen angels who taught writing which makes it all make sense. If u find that fascinating talk throw it over.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I find it all 'very interesting'...but not a rabbit hole that I go into much nowadays , tbh...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Conventional war seems to be next up on the scare-the-shit-out-of-us-so-we-will-do-anything-we-are-told-to-do plan.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yup, it keeps rearing it's ugly head..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Pi, Rho and Sigma ….

Π π pi, πι [p] p as in English top
Ρ ρ rho, ρώ [r] trilled r as in Italian or Spanish
Σ σ/ς, sigma, σίγμα [s]

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

....funny listening to the dude on your show and the skepticism 'have you ever tried to get your blurt out ?'...lolol

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh he is very skeptical about it. I have to admit I've never tried to take out any crypto yet.
As for getting my 'blurt out' in public


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've been taking out since the early steem days - never a problem with any token .

Ok thanx I know who to come to when I wanna withdraw then xxx

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

no problemo