DC is trying to finish off our last option on medicine!

in news •  3 years ago 

It's like a river full of piranha in DC...and we seem to keep electing them! They again return to trying to regulate ( DC double speak for ban) herbals, " for our own good"; because some people are avoiding their medical Monopoly, by treating themselves!

This allows for independence, which could lead to freedom; and they can't have that!

Here is a message on this problem:
Please read every word, as they want our very souls....
They are calling it the "dietary and supplement listing act", and will place suppliments within the clutches of the FDA!

I have worked for decades with these fools, and the Last thing herbals need is to spend three million dollars on a pre market approval. I worked on one myself that the filing cost was over that figure, and it has No use on herbals!

This is senator Dick During, again, because it was rejected 10 years ago. Senator Mike Braun is also he elping on this boondoggle. If they pass this, the costs of herbals will rise a thousand percent; to pay for this paperwork! Availability will drop to subsistence levels at stores, and a black market will rise with inferior, and diluted herbs. We all know that if they get this passed in the senate, the house and forgetful Joe will rubber stamp it the same day! They have usurped enough power already, and don't need to try for more.

So call your Senators at 202 2243121, and remind them that they work for us! Tell them to leave supplimrnts alone, and work on inflation and gas prices instead!!!!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

NO NEW LAWS. Cull the old ones, which are full of crap. Cull the crap.

But supplements are hardly our last option. The earth is teeming with medicines that are readily available, as you know. They would have to destroy the earth to stop us from healing ourselves. We simply have to relearn what we have been untaught.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If they get supplements under the pervue of the FDA, it will stop all the commercial herbals.

I'm planting them as fast as I can, but a lot of people don't have that option. I'm studying wildcrafting too, but if they get control, all herbals will be relegated to a be store like a pot shop; where they can be sold by the ounce, for exorbitant costs!

The comfrey is coming on well:
I just need to get my pharmaceutical garden totally planted soon!

If we raise enough hell, this power grab can still be stopped....


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What variety is that comfrey? I'm sure you know the most medicinal variety, and this is something I need to plant too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is Russian Comfrey, it's a little less powerful, but it doesn't sprout from seeds; so you have control of the spread of the bed!

I bought these roots from eBay.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good information! Thanks.

I have a large space (tiny to most gardeners - about 20 ft by 10 ft), in part shade to deep shade, for woodland plants. I love comfrey for back there. Valerian, St John's wort, foxglove, ginger, solomon's seal, blood root and witch hazel are also on my wish list.

Do you have any medicinal suggestions for back there?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like feverfew and nettle, but I wouldn't mess with foxglove...too dangerous for me!

I also avoid jemson weed, and hemlock; life's too short anyway, LOL. I know they can be good medicine if used right, but dosages are critical....

I plan to plant Hawthorne too, it's good heart medicine.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for these ideas!
Nettle for sure!
Feverfew I had wild in a brick path of my last garden for a bit there, until the stupid landscapers zapped it into oblivion. It is so pretty! That will be useful along the stone path I hope to lay down back there.
Why is foxglove dangerous for you? digitalis by touch? It's too beautiful to leave out of my shade/medicinal garden.
Had to look up Hawthorne, but don't have the room for that here. I must check if I have it on the lake property and plant it there if not. It sure sounds like a must have!

Marke the faire blooming of the Hawthorne tree
Who finely cloathed in a robe of white,
Fills full the wanton eye with May’s delight.


Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Feverfew is the best herbal for migraines. Nettle is the most nutritious plant I know, makes great tea, and is a wide use herbal!

Hawthorne is good medicine, and good food on the fruit (the haw)

Plant some buckthorn (sea berries) by the lake, no one will know it's good to eat....


They are trying everything they can think of to corner us. We keep slipping through though. LOL

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's my plan, LOL! If I don't need their medicine, and I'm growing my own food; I'll stay free, no matter what they try.

I think it's a good plan!
