Arizona continues to suffer from blatant voter fraud, during the recent election!

in news •  2 years ago  (edited)

Arizona elections continue to hit the news! The deliberate criminal activity by those who are supposed to ensure accurate counts; has raised enough questions that the officials that are tasked with certifying the election, don't believe they should!

As I posted a few days ago, the numbers stink:
Image from article

With just under 300,000 ballots 'lost', and a narrow win of about 17,000 votes; this is a tainted election , at best! Arizona officials have asked for another election because this one was so badly done! The governor 'elect', obviously used her office to ensure a win at any costs.

Good people asking hard questions may be arrested, for doing their Jobs:
The governor 'elect' is threatening felony charges on Arizona officials who refuse to certify her 'win'! She was in charge of the election process in Arizona, where they ran out of republican ballots just after the polls opened! The printed ballots for republicans we're printed too light to be ready in the automatic equipment. These ballots were collected in a box on the side of the counting equipment; where they promptly disappeared!
This is a totalitarian despot's reply to free elections...has Arizona had enough?

When you can destroy 293,000 ballots; so your guys can 'win' by 17,000 votes; and then threaten 'legal' action when questioned, it may be time for real felony charges to be filed! If convicted, this is treason; and should be rewarded with hanging or a firing squad!

If these people are not punished, severely; this crap 💩💩💩 will continue, to our destruction! These petulant children need a good spanking, but jail will have to suffice! We must purge this cancer, or it will kill us All!!!!

Just so you don't think I'm picking on Arizona:
This is a democratic governor, who arrested another Democrat for voter fraud! Has to be pretty bad for another democrat to call it out....

I am impressed to see that their is some level of voter fraud that is unacceptable to a democrat.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Matters not who votes... only who COUNTS the votes...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Or destroys the ballots.... 🤬😡😭👎💩💩

I'm glad you're in a better spot! Those babies are treasures, enjoy them! Still fighting here to get mine home.
