Meanwhile in Ireland.....

in news •  3 years ago  (edited)

Ireland quickly followed in the wake of Englands announcement of winding up the covid show with their own cheap imitation. Funny, thought they'd kicked out the Brits and stopped following their orders but the ones dishing out the orders behave like an annoying little snotnosed sidekick who follows the big kid everywhere copying what he does.

The snarky weasel Mehole (yes that is his name) Martin announces an end to MOST covid restrictions,


So covid is not a thing but we should all still wear our slave masks. You can now go to the pub or a club and snog the face off as many people as you feel like BUT to go shopping you have to keep donning the ridiculous face nappy.
No masks needed in UK tho which is just a hop and a skip away.

"Nphet has, however, advised that measures in schools should remain in place until such time as children who are eligible have had the opportunity to take a full course of the vaccine"

So they're tightening the screws on the children now, just like a schoolyard bully. Pick on the little ones. Keep the kids behind their slave masks until they've all been jabbed with the STILL under trial for emergency use only crazy genetic concoction of feck knows what.
Make all the parents go back to the office (yup no more working from home you lazy fecks) so they can get their clammy hands on your kids, warp their fragile little minds and use them as lab rats coz the grown ups won't play anymore.


Even the real lab animals are making a quick getaway in America -

(CDC add's technical assistance, in search of Cynomolgus Monkey. Don’t approach missing lab monkey)
This story kinda reminds me of the opening scenes in the best zombie apocalypse movies ever made (8 Weeks Later). People have been told not to go near them but I can't help but hope the animal rights activists get to them before the creepy bio-lab people do. Godspeed monkeys.

Meanwhile in Brussels-

I wonder if NPHET are listening?
In case you're wondering what NPHET stands for, it's
National Public Health Emergency Team
Yeh they only have a job if there's a health emergency so you can bet they would like to keep their jobs which means they have to keep up the health emergency or think of another one or they're back to the dole office I guess. Don't be silly they've probably made enough from their pHarma shares to retire to Epstein Island by now). Conflicts of interest abound.


You might wonder if the Irish are up in arms about all this, well no, they're too busy down at the pub now, enjoying the 'craic' they've missed for two whole years. No more 8pm curfew, no more signing the track and trace list with silly names and pizzahut phone numbers. No more burly doormen demanding you show a covid pass (don't be silly, no-one went to those pubs anyway). Oh how they've missed the craic. I wonder how long it'll be before the Guinness runs out?


Sorry couldn't resist.........

Thanx to Micheal O'Cleirigh for the inspiration for this post. (Not that last pic tho, nowt to do with him at all)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It was always about the poison - now the deaths will happen on their own, helped by the new flu-covid jab (flid? that used to be a nasty insult as a kid!! mmm.... have an idea...)

I remember well that nasty insult yes. My mum was offered thalidomide when she was pregnant with me. Luckily it didn't stop her morning sickness at all so she stopped taking it. I do have one leg shorter than the other tho, not enough to notice except i've always had back problems probably coz of that.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry to hear it - tho something I hadn't considered, that there are mild cases that survived.
Suddenly struck me it could be a resurrected word, in the name of shock therapy. I think anyone below a certain age will prob never even have heard the insult. But once they look it up they get directed to that horrible medscam. maybe, just maybe, a brain explodes.
And it can come out of the flu-kovid contraction - so even looks new to those who don't know.

yeh I came this close to being a flid

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hope you don't mind, but is a word worth experimenting with - if it takes people back to that medical disaster may trigger some reality.

I came close to death as a kid - records lost so cannot fit together the dates - so is just spec that cld have been a vax reaction. Our private doctor seems to have known the truth and saved me, the NHS sent me home to die.

I think it's imperative to know the cause of something so we can then deal with it properly at source instead of allopathically just veiling the symptoms. I think everyone who was vaccinated has had some form of damage done. My sister suffered many near-death scenario's and has only just been made aware that it was all caused by a vaccine. She is 61.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I agree.
In my case, the data really is lost - our then private doctor was deeply suspicious of government (no doubt from his experiences in the Soviet bloc) and kept double-notes - one for private real use, the other for the authorities. Would get his practice banned nowadays, but managed to get away with it then. Anyway, I hope his private notes were destroyed by his wife when he died.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My own misnamed auto-immune condition was directly caused by a drug - figured it out myself and only then did my dermatologist (the only one out of 6 docs who actually knew what was wrong) admitted that 90% of his cases are reactions to drugs!! Drugs his doc colleagues refuse to give up prescribing, he also admitted!!! They need some personal consequences too.

This is also the sign of a truly shit science - they know how to create damage, but don't really know the process fully and hence have no way to reverse the damage. So we are just supposed to shut up and die.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

More absurdities. The deception is unraveling. I wonder what strategies will be used to attempt to make the tattered tapestry back into whole cloth.

Funny. You're not usually all that funny.

My small town school had to close for a week because so many of the injected teachers were sick with covid. The uninjected kids were not sick, the injected teachers were. I tried to point out how absurd this is to my (very intelligent) sister, and all she could think to say was "If the teachers were sick of course they should stay home." She simply could not make the connection that if so many teachers were sick, the injection isn't working. Could NOT go there. It's as if her access to targeted concepts has been blocked.

Yeh I see that those who have woken to the nonsense are it, if they haven't got it by now they never will. We have to let them go. No-one can help those people. I always found if you leave people to it they will come round in their own sweet time but in this case it will be too late. I give up sometimes and turn to humour to cheer myself up.