
in news •  4 years ago 

The Healthy American.

How healing broke out, how she defied all odds to start a revival in Tulsa.

Feb. 2021: Return of the Screaming Squealing Talons of Truth! Daily Eagle News. Pastebin.

Join this community and get a funny title, role, or nickname.

Stores are not legally allowed to discriminate or disrupt commerce which comes from even the customers who refuses to wear masks. Stores can say it's private property. However, because the stores are open to the public, thanks to the 4th amendment, thanks to other things as well, prohibiting customers is discrimination among other things as well. The maskless buyer is not trespassing if he or she is not disrupting commerce. Moreover, when you prohibit customers from stores, then you are engaging in the disruption of commerce which may be illegal among other things as well partly because the customers are part of the free market exchange system which we call commerce. Stopping customers means you are disrupting commerce. That is illegal. You should go to jail for disrupting commerce. It may be many different things, not just that. Stores and states must be held accountable for violating laws. Stores are public. They cannot enforce masks. Churches however are legally considered to be private and can enforce masks.

Here are 75 responses you can give when stores try to make you wear a mask, go to The Healthy American dot org today and print out this free PDF. Hand them out to people for fun.

Funny Titles & Roles

Join this group if you want to get a funny title or role. Feel free to post anything you want in this community.

Judge Ganja is here to take your order

February of 2021

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2021-02-21 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-21 - Sunday
Published in February of 2021

Biden Stole 7674083bc2c1e048.jpeg

We Stole It Fair & Square

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

What is your favorite app to use for Hive Blog?

[12:52 AM - Hive](

Hey, folks, what do you think? Currently, my favorite is still Hive.blog for overall simplicity and ability to link comments, to edit posts, to bypass pins.

My second top dapp is PeakD for having convenient links to many different things like to the tribes or I mean communities. I was able to edit group roles via PeakD. If Hive.blog is too simple for you, check out PeakD.

My third favorite is Ecency because it has a neat user interface (UI) that is pretty appealing. It has special rewards which you can obtain just for using it. You can get extra points for inviting people to your groups. So, it's kind of like Leo Finance.

Those are my top three.

What about you?

Hive Blog Dapps InShot_20200627_052241655.jpg

Here are 7 Dapps on Hive Blockchain by @pitboy

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Philippines Truther

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 08:26 AM - # BETTER THAN NORMAL -- PEGGY HALL

Stores Cannot?

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 02:27 PM - Hive Blog - Covid & Health Log:

Stores are not legally allowed to discriminate or disrupt commerce which comes from even the customers who refuses to wear masks. Stores can say it's private property. However, because the stores are open to the public, thanks to the 4th amendment, thanks to other things as well, prohibiting customers is discrimination among other things as well. The maskless buyer is not trespassing if he or she is not disrupting commerce. Moreover, when you prohibit customers from stores, then you are engaging in the disruption of commerce which may be illegal among other things as well partly because the customers are part of the free market exchange system which we call commerce. Stopping customers means you are disrupting commerce. That is illegal. You should go to jail for disrupting commerce. It may be many different things, not just that. Stores and states must be held accountable for violating laws.

Stores are public. They cannot enforce masks. Churches however are legally considered to be private and can enforce masks.

The Healthy American

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental


10:03 PM - Hive

Yes, stay curious. I love your art. That program reminds me of an art program I use called Inkscape.

Oatmeal High Council

My Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Join this community and get a funny title, role, or nickname

09:41 PM - Hive Group

For example, my title right now is "Town Drunk."

Feel free to suggest nicknames for yourself and for others.

You can even ask me to surprise you with a nickname.

I decided to make this group today because I thought it would be really fun and really engaging.

I'm thinking of adding administrators, moderators, and others to this tribe. If you're interested in coming up for titles for people, let me know and I might mod you.

To the mods and admins out there, feel free to add anybody you want to this group, this community, this club.

That's right you can add people who are not even in this group and then give them a crazy title or a boring title.

Feel free to suggest ideas for nicknames, titles, roles, names, games, contests, prizes, challenges, etc. Be creative and have fun.

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Ladies and gentlemen of this crazy club, welcome to the class your lord, Judge Ganja @ganjafarmer of Portland, Oregon. You can address your petty grievances to this Ganja Farmer.

Ganja Farmer.png

Check out Judge Ganja Farmer on Hive Blog

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Trump Over 80 Million

06:49 PM - Facebook

Trump got over 80 million, not almost 75 million. It should not say almost 75 million. Biden probably got way less than 40 million real votes.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Where can you post to?

01:32 AM - Hive

Yes. I post there too. But it costs Blurt coins to post. I used up all my liquid Blurt tokens. So, then I withdrew or powered down a bit. So, I am still posting to Blurt once a week or so. When I post, I then share the post link to a Blurt Discord and add $vote to get a free upvote from a bot which then helps me get more Blurt Power which will then help me power down in the future. So, currently, that seems to be how it works on Blurt. So, as long as I have enough money to post on Blurt, I will continue to post. I am posting less often because I am trying not to spend everything I am making on Blurt just to post more often. I am hoping for a little bit of a profit on there. And as long as I am making more than I am spending to post, then I guess it is ok. I also post to Steemit and Dream Real. I don't post a lot to Serey. And Sapien has like some problems right now I think. And I should probably keep my eyes open for others I can post on. I've not checked in a few months. Feel free to add a list here of places people can post on.

Can you come back from anything?

08:31 AM - Hive

Oh, I don't know much about this Saturn return you speak. The only thing that comes to my mind is a sci-fi show called The Expanse. I think I know what you're trying to say and I love that terminology, to pass through my Saturn return. Sounds like an adventure or an amazing comeback.

Can we get to the bottom of memories?

08:41 AM - Hive

Yeah, letters are but paint and they attempt to put in a can not just how we talk with our mouths but moreover the thoughts they represent which kind of makes it all like Morse Code as the soul is trying to talk through our body. Yeah. to draw in one's mind. Kind of like therapy.

You probably know more Latin and Greek than I do. But I am a big fan of the history of words, the etymology. I enjoyed studying Vietnamese and Spanish a bit. Yeah, science is catching up with the arts like an old man trying to keep up with some young kid out in the meadows somewhere on a hot summer day right after lunch.

Yeah, I want to understand the brain too, how it works together and how parts do things independently. I should probably research these things and post about them. Yeah, especially like you said in regards to how long-term memory works. Well, it's not rocket science. Oh wait, maybe it is. But it is the kind of science that is really exciting, the kind you want to run around in a meadow with.

Is Bitcoin and Hive like a security or something?

08:53 AM - Hive

I don't disagree. John McAfee was talking about Bitcoin is not a security. After watching the videos where he explained it, I adopted his views on Bitcoin. I would imagine that Hive and many if not all true cryptocurrencies either are or could have been not a security like Bitcoin is not.

But my question is not in regards to what cryptocurrencies are not. We can say that they are not securities. Some or most of them probably are not actually securities.

But my question is in if the law in the United States as of right now view Bitcoin, Hive, and other cryptocurrencies, as securities, shares, money, assets, items that could be taxed, etc.

Many times, laws can be not right. So, if they were to say Bitcoin or Hive was a security or something, they would most likely be inaccurate. But I still want to know what the laws are even if the laws are wrong. Many laws can be wrong. I just want to know ahead of time what I'm getting myself into as life goes on.

Vietnam Talk

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 04:26 PM PST LMS JA - Hive Blog - Vietnam Log

I lived in Vietnam for 5 years but never been to Da Nang. But love these photos. Reminds me of Dalat and Long An.

Who won the election in 2020?

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 04:35 PM PST LMS JA - Biden Trump 2020 Election Log

Americans elected Trump. Over 80 million people voted Trump. Probably less than 40 million real votes were for Biden. And most of them regret voting Biden. But there were so many fake votes in 2020 for Biden. Same thing happened in Burma/Myanmar. It seems you do not know about how badly the election was stolen in the USA. Big theft. And the Supreme Court in the United States are still hearing court cases on the 2020 Election. Also, other courts can and must allow for county-level ballot audits. There are documentaries regarding what happened in 2020. It is so bad. You have no idea. Someday, you will hear about it. Too bad you don't already know about it. I wish you knew. But they lied to you and you are not even American. That is how big the lie is. They lie about it all around the world.


06:42 PM - Hive

Blurt also has had different URLs or apps. So when one does not work, you can try the others.


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 01:40 AM - 02:30 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 102

She thought the black chick died. They go there and it looks like a bird died and it was not a girl. Is she seeing things? What happened to her tattoo, why is it gone or was it never there in the first place?

Philippines Truther


Stores Cannot?

2021-02-21 - Sunday - 02:27 PM - Hive Blog - Covid & Health Log:

Stores are not legally allowed to discriminate or disrupt commerce which comes from even the customers who refuses to wear masks. Stores can say it's private property. However, because the stores are open to the public, thanks to the 4th amendment, thanks to other things as well, prohibiting customers is discrimination among other things as well. The maskless buyer is not trespassing if he or she is not disrupting commerce. Moreover, when you prohibit customers from stores, then you are engaging in the disruption of commerce which may illegal. It may be many different things. Stores and states must be held accountable for violating laws and other things as well.

To make a person wear a mask is to assume a person is sick. But you cannot know if a person is sick without violating privacy in order to figure that out.

When a store tries to make people wear clothes, that does not mean a store has that right to do so.

Transformers, more than meets your face.

There are laws that govern commerce.

Stores that are open to the public are supposed to follow the laws of commerce.

What do they call that like blue laws or archaic laws or are those laws still enforced?

In some countries in Europe, people walk around topless.

"No officer, I refuse to put on pants for this Build a Bear - you don't have the right to deny me my opportunity to stuff a bear in the nude" - Oatmeal Joey (2021).

In Florida, there are laws where you are not allowed to cover up your face with a mask.

Laws relating to nudity, a bit tricky. Part of it has to do with peer pressure and morality or the lack thereof.

Spitting and jaywalking laws, crazy.

I was in prison for 2 weeks for interrupting a 911 call of my dad's drunk GF in 2012 in Oregon.

Who knew you can't do that?

And the cop said what happened and I told him.

And I wrote about it on my blogs many times. So, you can Google me.

But you can Google the law about it.

I've not studied the laws I was accused of breaking a whole lot.

Tron overlord Justin Sun got into Steem.

So, they were fighting over that the past 12 months or longer.

Tron also bought up like Dlive.

But what do I know, I'm just your friendly neighborhood copypasta oatmeal whore.

But most people who got Covid19 in 2020, over 80% were deficient of essential vitamins according to one study.

Jesus loves you, now die.

@CatGirl#7147, Yes, me and @Hydroflux#5415 both love little boys because we are vampires like the English royalty and the Pope.

That is why Prince Charles or whatever the Hell his name is lives half the year in Count Draculu's actual castle to help the orphan children.

Hydro must be a real Hydrolic Maniac.

See, Prince Charles is a descendant of Count Dracula who was just some dude from a long time ago who would drink blood kind of like how Hollywood actors do now.

@hydroflux, where are you?

Is Bill Cosby Canadian?

Who's plan?

I believe in going with your gut as opposed to trusting plans.

Too many people trust plans and do nothing.

To the Q folks, I tell them to get out of their basements and do stuff.

i like propertarianism either totally or bits and pieces of it

@CatGirl#7147, technically, the military has the right to call for a new election right now, if they wanted to. And if they don't, then they suck.

@Kobe's Pilot#4961, come to my house and I might rape you.

In 1871, America turned into a corporation.

@CatGirl#7147, what did the Propertarianism people do?

Equal access to goods and services which are offered to the public is required by law.


Dear diary, got up at 8 AM, good Hive conversations. Just us two to church. Mom not feeling so good. A disturbance in the force in her electro part, the nervous system and a bit chemical related too. But mostly nervous system being as it has been for a long time a bit damaged. Sunday school on Matthew 5, this was part 2 which we started 2 weeks ago and last Sunday church was cancelled due to snow. I didn't say anything in Sunday School but read for them the first 16 verses. Also, sermon on the video on how scientists and others see the evidence for a creator in the makeup and DNA of the universe, this was part 2 from 2 weeks ago. I sort of fell asleep for a second while watching in the back. I walked to my bank to put in 20 bucks to make my balance go to like 767 or so. But I can only spend like 500 or so. And the stimulus check never made it in even after 2 weeks or so. So, missing 600. Walked a mile to home in a little bit of a drizzle of rain and some powerful wind. Like ten miles per hour wind or maybe less but enough to make it tough to walk on the side of highway 101 towards the small airport where we live near. A squirrel feeder should have like a door strong enough to keep birds out. I saw on the news a boiling water notice being lifted in Texas and I thought that meant they could not boil water before that like how they have the notices of you cannot burn or collect rain water or solar power or use too much water or comb forests or the list goes on and on. But it actually meant that the water was not safe and that you must boil water. The opposite. I sprung up the string for the peas and the jeep came in at the end. Brought in food box towards 2 PM. Added chicken manure to a ditch for the peas around 3 or 4. Dishes around like 5. Bird feeder back up by pea strings around then. Most of the snow melted now. Good walk home after church earlier. Nap around like 6 for like 30 minutes. 6:37 PM now.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: apple around 2 AM before sleeping. Around 8 AM, oatmeal.
Lunch: more oatmeal directly from the pan, 2:16 PM
Dinner: soup, yogurt, bread, 6:40 PM

Here are 75 responses you can give when stores try to make you wear a mask, go to The Healthy American dot org today and print out this free PDF. Hand them out to people for fun.

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