On peakd.com Ionomy is listed as a recommended exchange - but for the last 3 - 6 months Hivers have been experiencing BTC being stolen from their accounts upon withdrawal -
Here, I attempted to withdraw .011 BTC and it is still grayed out - never having reached my wallet and never hearing from Ionomy Support. I was able to return all other Hive to my wallet - and let many Hivers know that this is going on- still however I don't know a way to SPANK Adam Matlack - who has been involved in so much fraudulent behavior with Paycoin, Wwager and his other businesses -
He gets away with it because none of us want to expose ourselves by going to the Feds -
I have posted about this on Peakd, Reddit, Bastyon, the Ionomy Telegram Group, GitHub (it was deleted), Bitcoin News, to no avail.
Peakd.com will remove Ionomy on their next update - whenever that is - please post any ideas about how to SPANK Adam Matlack!
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maybe you should only had better used the new ionymy website !?
I´m not a pro in the things behind the/a website but it seems that on the old one there is not much or nothing in trading volumes ?