Femi-Nazis Are Brainwashing Teenage Girls Into Hating Older Men

in news •  10 months ago  (edited)

Prettysleep is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

1.  A Young Female Influencer Became The Influenced

You may or may not remember a YouTuber who went by the user name of LtCorbis and later on by the user name of Soph. YouTuber LtCorbis began her YouTube channel in 2015 and went viral in 2016 at the age of eleven. Interestingly enough, the late Gonzalo Lira, Jr. (also known as YouTuber Coach Red Pill) even liked her, and he paid her homage in one of his videos.

I have to admit that I found a number of YouTuber LtCorbis's videos to be entertaining. Her success lasted her right up to the time that she was banned from YouTube not too long ago. I honestly didn't feel that YouTube was fair with her, but, at the same time, I could understand what provoked her removal from that same social-media platform. Her extremities were getting out of hand insofar as she was voicing hate against certain minorities.

I regret to inform that YouTuber LtCorbis directed misandrist statements against older men in some of her videos. What is ironic is that she has acknowledged in some of her videos how toxic femi-Nazi extremists can be.

Femi-Nazi extremists go berserk and accuse men of being misogynists if they even disagree with them on anything, whereas they see nothing wrong with directing unwarranted hate speech against men they don't even know. Now, I'm not angry at YouTuber Lt Corbis for engaging in misandry on her former YouTube channel. I'm really infuriated with these femi-Nazi witches for putting things into her head that aren't even true.

So many years ago, YouTuber LtCorbis posted a video on her YouTube channel titled "Child Marriage Is Legal," except that she didn't really talk about child marriage in that same video but rather about teenage marriage. There is a world of a difference between the two.

Child marriage involves a little girl, say 7, 6, 5, or even 4 years old wedding a grown man so that he can sexually assault her. Teenage marriage is when a girl between 12 and 17 years old marries her boyfriend, whether he be the same age as her or noticeably older, so that they can make their relationship legal and live happily ever after. YouTuber LtCorbis wrongfully cross-pollinated the two scenarios. Her video is below.

YouTuber LtCorbis Confuses Teenage Marriage With Child Marriage

Okay, YouTuber LtCorbis? I get your point about underage teenage girls not being able to get a divorce until they're 18 years old if they wed before then in certain state jurisdictions. However, wouldn't it make more sense merely to put a provision in the marriage laws that would allow an underage girl to divorce her spouse rather than outlawing teenage marriage altogether?

You can clearly see that some femi-Nazi head case scared YouTuber LtCorbis into believing that she would be forced into a marriage with a significantly older man if her parents were to die. Somehow I don't envision something like that happening easily. Back when she released this same video, it would have been difficult enough for her to marry a 32-year-old man legally if she were in love with him and vice versa.

In her video above, YouTuber LtCorbis quotes everyone's favorite femi-Nazi witch, Fraidy Reiss. Hmmm. Why doesn't that surprise me? These femi-Nazi witches love to have girls her age promote their mendacious propaganda. Also, let me set the record straight here. The United States of America does not compare with any Middle Eastern nation regarding underage marriage.

A 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old female American is given much more choice on whether or not she wishes to get married than a girl her age in Islamic nations. Those nations don't have the same laws in place to protect the rights of minors as the United States of America does.

Do not rely on the so-called data that Unchained At Last delivers. I have suspected for a long time that a domestic terrorist organization named QAnon has been funding Unchained At Last's political activities. As I have stressed in other articles of mine on the same writing platforms, QAnon and femi-Nazis like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot have become strange bedfellows regarding juvenile-justice-related issues.

I have known of many women who got married at 15 years old and happily remained with their spouses on into their mid-life years. However, getting married at 10 years old? How is that the same thing as a teenage girl getting married? These so-called statistics that YouTuber LtCorbis cited in her video are misleading in that they are not properly categorized by each age group.

If a 15-year-old girl is marrying a 23-year-old man, she is not doing so for him to rape her legally every day. She is doing so, because she knows that she is in love with him and she wishes to share a future with him without interference from trigger-happy police officers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the American sex laws are not exactly the most just ones in the world.

Whenever someone says "Age Is Just A Number" in a derisive manner as YouTuber LtCorbis does in her video, I begin to prepare my ears to hear a load of pedophile-panic propaganda that reeks with a multitude of lies about older men. In her video above, YouTuber LtCorbis is wrong in her assertion that a minor has no say on whether or not they get married here in the United States of America. Of course, they do. Otherwise, a judge will not approve it.

I do agree with YouTuber LtCorbis that certain laws pertaining to the rights and safety of juveniles do need to be changed. However, banning every marriage before age 18 has never been the answer to any of it. As I have stressed in other articles of mine, femi-Nazis like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot merely want to take the United States of America closer to becoming a Fascist totalitarian police state.

What YouTuber LtCorbis claims about married minors not being able to stay at a homeless shelter or the likes in the event of spousal battery because of their juvenile status cannot be true, because Covenant House has taken in runaways as young as 13 years old here in the United States of America.

Throughout her video, YouTuber LtCorbis spews words of hatred against older men. For example, she throws the term "creepy old man" around. In her video, she demonizes all marriages between teenage girls and adult men, when I personally have known of such marriages to have turned out to be better than same-age marriages.

2.  Let's Have Facts Rather Than Fear!

In her video above, YouTuber LtCorbis delivers a false narrative that older men are to blame for all of teenage girls' problems. Never mind the fact that underage teenage boys have been known to make threats of bodily harm against 13- or 14-year-old girlfriends for refusing to get pregnant with their babies. Never mind that underage teenage boys have been known to talk their 14- and 15-year-old girlfriends into sexting them so that these boys can turn around and sell their nudes all over the Internet without their girlfriend's knowledge or permission.

As far as YouTuber LtCorbis is concerned, the proverbial dirty old man is to blame for each and every underage adolescent girl's problem right down to her painful menstrual cramps; and his only goal in life is to rape her. Never mind that once a middle-school or high-school boy gets his underage girlfriend pregnant, he usually either bails on her or abuses her in a number of ways.

YouTuber LtCorbis? Don't badmouth former New Jersey governor, Chris Christie. At least he has the courage to stand up to femi-Nazi witches like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot. Trust me on this one. Their respective organizations in the form of Unchained At Last and the Tahirih Justice Center do not have the American people's best interest at heart.

YouTuber LtCorbis? Do you really want to know why there was so much pushback in New Jersey against imposing a minimum age of 18 years old to get married under any circumstances? Ask the New Jersey native in the video below, and she will tell you. Like you, she also happens to be a female.

Judi Franco, An Orthodox Jew, Denounces The Banning Of Teenage Marriage In New Jersey

Judi criticized Fraidy Reiss for imposing her agenda on others because of a tragic past. Judi also exposed some of the lies that Ms. Reiss had delivered to the Court of Public Opinion. Judi is apparently a conservative in that she opposes the government nosing into her life and her family's choices. I agree with her. YouTuber LtCorbis could learn a thing or two from her.

In the comments section of Judi's video, pedophile-panic fanatics weighed in with their usual propaganda. They insisted that she was an enabler of pedophiles, even though they clearly had no idea what the real definition of pedophilia is. Every time I read one of their stupid posts, I feel like jumping into a time machine to travel back to 1885 and put a bullet through Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing's head.

Bills that set out to ban underage marriage should not go into the hands of elected officials but rather the hands of voters themselves. If this bill banning underage marriage altogether had been placed on a November ballot as a measure in New Jersey, I'm fairly confident that the majority of voters in that state jurisdiction would have voted against imposing such a law on its residents.

YouTuber LtCorbis? Whenever a teenage girl gets married before she is legally old enough to vote, it is not a human-rights abuse. Adolescent girls have been wedding before their 18th birthday for centuries and have had long, happy marriages and successful families. We are not talking about elderly men forcibly marrying toddlers.

Ladies and gentlemen? I have nothing against YouTuber LtCorbis. I even felt bad for her when YouTube decided to ban her from their social-media platform. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, she is merely parroting misinformation that femi-Nazi extremists have embedded in her mind. She didn't really do any of her own research, because if she had done so, she would have found the same flaws in these femi-Nazis' school of thought as I have.

If you want to know the real deal regarding underage teenage marriage, read my article titled "The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage" and you'll get the real story about this whole heated topic instead of the propaganda that gets thrown around on YouTube and the likes.

The mainstream media has been mostly giving only one side of this issue. Mary Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life, reported in an interview that the ban in her state jurisdiction on all marriage before the age of 18 goes into conflict with the law that provides that a girl is legally emancipated once she becomes pregnant. Therefore, that fact alone sends everything that YouTuber LtCorbis stated in her video above about underage wives having no legal rights in New Jersey flying right out the window. Here is a video of the interview below.

New Jersey 101.5 Interviews With Mary Tasy Regarding The Topic Of Underage Marriage

Now, as far as all the hype about the so-called tragedy of a 40-year-old man marrying a 14-year-old girl is concerned, allow me to interject. I have researched information regarding a number of marriages that fit this same description, and the biggest complaint that the younger spouse had about being in these marriages was the disparate treatment that they and their spouse received from others.

I didn't really come across any significant number of cases in which the middle-aged husband was violent or abusive with his adolescent wife. Therefore, I would never agree with an age-difference limit on teenage marriages. In any event, the above video of the interview with Mary Tasy still demonstrates that the ban on all underage marriages in New Jersey was not a good idea and should never have happened.

Ms. Tasy hits her point right on the button when she says that a ban on all underage marriage is a one-size-fits-all "solution" that causes more problems than it solves. I agree with her on that point. She sounds as though she is not at all impressed with Fraidy Reiss and how Ms. Reiss has misguided the public at large on this same topic.

Nevertheless, Bill Spadea of New Jersey 101.5 sets forth some strong, salient points in his video below concerning why no state jurisdiction should ban underage marriage altogether. YouTuber LtCorbis needs to listen to people like him.

Bill Spadea Defends Teenage Marriage

YouTuber LtCorbis posted another video on YouTube so many years ago in which she dressed up in a burka and derided Islam. In that video, she made a snide remark about being a minor and being married to a 40-year-old husband.

Femi-Nazis have indoctrinated girls who are now the same age as YouTuber LtCorbis was in her earlier videos into believing that every middle-aged man who has ever fallen in love with a teenage girl is a two-headed monster. However, these women don't do so out of concern for girls that age but rather to act on their own sexual insecurities regarding girls that young.

It's much easier for a 40-something-year-old woman to pervert-shame a man her age for taking non-Platonic notice of a high-school girl rather than admitting that perhaps men their own age no longer find them attractive. Confident, attractive middle-aged women and older don't have these same problems with their self-esteem.

These femi-Nazis did more harm than good to YouTuber LtCorbis in the long run after they brainwashed her into waging war against men. Her once lucrative career as a pre-teen on YouTube ended in disaster by the time she was in high school. Below is a video that gives all the details about it.

YouTube LtCorbis's Downfall Was A Sad One

These same femi-Nazis that led YouTuber LtCorbis astray from reality did not run to her defense after she lost everything she had worked so hard for on her YouTube channel. They simply used her to mislead the public to believe that all teenage girls held the same stance as they did, when their narratives regarding teenage girls were specious at best.

Surprising_Snapshots is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pixabay

3.  Final Thoughts

YouTuber LtCorbis? If you are reading this article here of mine and you really want to do good to all the youngsters of the United States, stay away from femi-Nazi extremists and pedophile-panic fanatics like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot whose main objective is to raise the statutory age of consent to 35 years old in our nation, figuratively speaking. Find a noble cause for young people like seeking laws to abolish parental testamentary freedom. Then you'll be doing something constructive for the American youth.

Adult men, especially in the older age ranges, need to come to the realization that femi-Nazi extremists are feeding mendacious propaganda to adolescent girls to indoctrinate and brainwash them into believing that older men are to blame for all of their problems and mishaps. Meanwhile, the law and society are allowing the abuses and transgressions of underage boys against teenage girls to go unnoticed.

Back when it was easy for a girl as young as 13 or 14 years old to marry her significantly older boyfriend, boys in the 12-to-17-year-old age range seemed to show their female peers more respect than they do now. They behaved better back in the day probably because they knew that girls their age had more suitors to choose from because of the law and society's more accepting nature toward adult-adolescent couples.

Now femi-Nazis are misleading teenage girls down a dangerous path like a flock of sheep, when these girls do not realize that none of these women are acting in their best interest. I could write a whole novel about the consequences the American people have suffered as a result, but it would take an entire month for me to do so. If you take a good look around you, you'll notice how everything has changed as a result, and I don't mean for the better.

The best that we can hope for is that the Supreme Court of the United States ("SCOTUS") strikes down all these state bans against teenage marriage. Perhaps it would put an end to the insanity that these femi-Nazis started back when Texas and the Commonwealth of Virginia were first entertaining the notion of outlawing all marriage before the age of eighteen.

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