Canada Calls For New (More Divided) World Order

in news •  2 years ago 

In a speech heard across the planet today, Canada's deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland called for a new world order to combat "tyrants, dictators, and authoritarians".

That's rich, coming from a fascist who used authoritarian tactics to crush the peaceful Freedom Convoy just months ago, directing violence and financial terrorism against protesters seeking freedom.

Her boss, the globalist puppet dictator Justin Turdeau, is just as sinister. Together, these technocratic traitorous psychopaths, both WEF stooges, have already remade Canada in the past few years. Now, they're demanding their global allies adopt the same tactics, forming a new financial system that shuts out individuals - and entire countries - who don't cooperate.

The globalists could have sent just about anyone they wanted to speak against authoritarians, but they chose Crusty Freeland?! That's like giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize - backwards and ridiculous. They sent one of 2022's worst tyrants to rail against tyranny. This is gaslighting.

Speaking to a think tank in Washington DC, Canada's lady tyrant said "We share the planet with authoritarian regimes, and there is no inevitability to their decline, just as there is no inevitability to our continued existence". In other words, we have to protect ourselves or certain countries will destroy us.

"Friendshoring is an economic opportunity to attract new investment, create more good-paying jobs and thrive in a global economy," she said. According to Quartz, friendshoring is a new buzzword for "the business strategy of running supply chains only through countries that are close political partners" - a globalist brand of protectionism.

Evil regimes including Russia and China envy our freedom and prosperity, leading to aggression, claimed Freeland. She said Russia's attack on Ukraine holds the West hostage, and is proof we must cut economic ties. She called for solidarity between Western democratic allied nations, and wrapped it up by paying homage to the climate change scam.

Destruction guaranteed by design

"Friendshoring" is like permanent sanctions, on steriods. During a global supply chain crisis and food shortage, any further shocks and restrictions will cause hardship and death for millions. That, I believe, is all part of the plan. I have been warning about global financial governance for 15 years now. This latest move does not surprise me, but it's alarming to watch the next phase of the Great Reset being implemented.

Three things you can do right away (if you haven't already) to combat the coming cashless new world order:

  1. Get rid of your smart phone and any other smart/wifi devices in your life.
  2. Take everything out of the banks except enough to pay bills you can't pay another way.
  3. Consider food, precious metals, and cryptos for savings outside the system.

Do not give ground to authoritarian tyrants like Chrystia Freeland, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, and other globalist puppets seeking to destroy national sovereignty. Their unholy new world order is coming into full view now. They are stoking division on an international level, getting ready to take down the last vestiges of the free market economy, forever replacing it with a digital social credit score green vaccine passport beast system. Prepare and resist now, while you still can.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hmmm. I have a feeling that this will affect a lot of people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They can't help themselves just got to ruin people 😩

Posted from

Oh yes, I remember this lady. She's a 100% nutjob. Seriously watch her sometime as she stands to the side, slightly behind Trudeau. Watch her body language and face while he talks. She's crazy. She also twitches like Kamala Harris does.

Thank's for informing me about "friendshoring". I had not heard that term used yet but I'm sure I will. Thanks much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

She's messed up. Hard to believe that's supposedly one of Canada's best people, most suited for leadership and diplomacy, best morals, great ideas, etc. Yeah right, she's a scummy psycho puppet given a little power in exchange for selling out her fellow human.
Yeah, friendshoring? One of those terms you don't hear about at all until it's invented/popularized, and then suddenly it's being used everywhere, and the mainstream pretends it was always a thing, and you just hadn't noticed it yet. Reminds me of stuff like "austerity measures" back around 2010. Another way to say a drop in your quality of life.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Whoa, what a horny monster.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who blacked out her eyes? That is really creepy.

they're demanding their global allies adopt the same tactics, forming a new financial system that shuts out individuals - and entire countries - who don't cooperate.

Isn't that kind of a definition of tyranny? Do they know they are describing themselves?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

1, 2 and 3 all done and dusted.
What they're doing is classic mirroring or projection and yes gaslighting too. I wonder of all these politicians know that they will be out of a job once the NWO kicks in properly? Obviously not. Saps.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People see lists (like my 1, 2, and 3) and feel they are radical steps, only taken by someone "heading for the hills" or getting ready for a mad max scenario.
But it's not radical. I've been living that way for many years, and I assume you have as well. It's just a lifestyle choice. A very wise choice.

Posted from

Bought my house 12 years ago coz it had land and a well. Took a course on how to grow food on that land in 2018 and threw my smart phone away in 2017 so it's been a long term plan yes.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sweeet, does the well water the crops too? What have you been growing lately?

Posted from

yeh all my water comes from the well. Been growing loadsa stuff, most is dying now but still getting courgettes and potatoes and have planted a load of winter stuff.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fact Checked by PhusionPhil

This may contain disinformation.

What is not true?

Chrystia Freeland is NOT against authoritarianism

When Chrystia Freeland says she wants to combat authoritarianism she is actually scapegoating her own nefarious actions with direct criticism designed to mislead critique of her, giving her a public speech to deflect critique to.