"Delhi's message to China with various tactics and caution".

China and India are at loggerheads over India's Ladakh border. A few days ago, various tactical warnings were sent to China from Delhi, India.
A recent report by the US Commission on Economy and Security to India's political congress party said the clashes in the Galwan Valley on the Ladakh border were aimed directly at the Chinese government.
As a result, the transition from New Delhi did not match the tone of the transition and sent a strong message to Beijing on various issues.
There is also concern about the construction of a Chinese embankment near the Brahmaputra river in India. According to the New Delhi report, their diplomatic intelligence has sent a message to China with caution and tact so that the situation on the Ladakh border does not deteriorate further.
The military and diplomatic circles have taken care of this so that no more problems are created later. "We have seen the report and we are monitoring the activities of the Brahmaputra River," he said.
"We have repeatedly told China about the use of river water flowing between the two countries in the lower basin," they said. China has also been told not to allow any of their activities to cause water shortages in the lower basin.
A State Department spokesman recalled Indian soldiers killed in the valley, according to a report on the US-led Galvan, and said that they should abide by the letter and spirit of the bilateral agreement signed between India and China a few years ago.
Both sides must abide by the Line of Actual Control and not deploy additional troops.