The Conceit Behind California’s Bad Idea to Tax Text Messages

in news •  last year 

It’s precisely this type of thinking that has caused the Golden State to squander one of the largest economies in the world.

Source: The Conceit Behind California’s Bad Idea to Tax Text Messages - Foundation for Economic Education

If you live in California, get ready for the latest absurd taxation least if you are like 99% of people and have a cell phone and text messaging service. Yes, the government of California has decided that it is a good idea to tax texting. What is even more absurd is that apparently there is some discussion about making the tax retroactive so you would get a tax bill for your last five years of texting service as well. I don't live in California so this wouldn't bother me except that people who vote for this sort of stuff flee California because of the problems it creates and then vote for this sort of stuff (or politicians who support it anyway) wherever they move to. It has the effect of making the stupidity contagious.

Fortunately, this proposal was later rejected but the fact that it was even a serious proposal is disturbing. California may be a beautiful place to live but the government there is batshit crazy.

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