Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans Than Climate Change

in news •  9 months ago 

By 2030, there will be only two workers supporting each retiree, compared to 42 in 1946. In other words, a working couple will have to support not only themselves and their family but also someone outside the family thanks to Social Security and Medicare.

Source: Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans Than Climate Change - Foundation for Economic Education

If there were truly a "trust fund" as people are led to believe, perhaps this wouldn't be a problem. However, the reality is that when your social security taxes are collected, they are immediately used to purchase treasury bonds. The problem with this of course is that to redeem these treasury bonds, the government has to buy them back...with new tax money. The money originally used to pay for the bonds goes into the general fund and gets immediately spent on other things. The government mismanages our money. The more you give it, the more it mismanages.

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