California's Typhus Surge Is Linked to Fleas, Feces, and Bad Economic Policies

in news •  2 years ago 

There was an average of 700 requests in the area in the spring of 2016, but officials now claim they receive about 1,900 cleanup calls per month thanks to the number of growing homeless camps. But the growing homelessness and sanitation nightmares have led to yet another crisis: a rise in flea-borne typhus.

Source: California's Typhus Surge Is Linked to Fleas, Feces, and Bad Economic Policies - Foundation for Economic Education

While some may consider the description of "socialist" or even "communist" to be exaggerations when applied to California, the mistakes are the same. The idea that government has the knowledge or ability to effectively manage the economy is laughable. Decisions are made without even considering the second order effects. Sure, a high minimum wage improves the lives of those making minimum least temporarily. However, unemployment is bound to increase as a result. That only touches the surface of the inevitable poor decisions from central planning. This article mentions a few of the others.

Cases of Typhus in 2022 are about the same as they were in 2018 (they were quite a bit higher in 2021). Oddly, there are many more "probable" cases and far fewer "confirmed" cases. Maybe they just stopped bothering to test?

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