Mahasiswa Demo Kantor Walikota Lhokseumawe, Protes Praktik Jual Beli LKS di SD

in news •  3 years ago 


Aksi yang mendapatkan pengawalan ketat pihak kepolisian ini, untuk memprotes terkait dugaan praktik jual-beli Lembaran Kerja Siswa (LKS) di Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kota Lhokseumawe.

Laporan Saiful Bahri I Lhokseumawe

SERAMBINEWS.COM, LHOKSEUNAWE - Para mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia dan Serikat Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia berdemo di depan Kantor Walikota Lhokseumawe, Rabu (26/1/2022).

Aksi yang mendapatkan pengawalan ketat pihak kepolisian ini, untuk memprotes terkait dugaan praktik jual-beli Lembaran Kerja Siswa (LKS) di Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kota Lhokseumawe.

Dimana menurut versi para mahasiswa yang berdemo, dugaan praktik jual beli LKS di sekolah adalah tindakan yang tidak diperbolehkan.

Pantuan, saat menggelar aksi, para mahasiswa mengusung sejumlah poster.

Poster-poster bertuliskan tentang kritikan.

Disamping juga para orator terus berorasi secara bergantian.

Aksi ini pun mendapatkan pengawalan ketat dari pihak kepolisian.

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Tidak lama kemudian, Asisten I Setdako Lhokseumawe, Maksalmina, menemui para pendemo.

Selanjutnya, terjadi dialog panjang antara pendemo dengan Maksalmina.

Hingga pukul 12.30 WIB para mahasiswa pun masih bertahan di depan Kantor walikota Lhokseumawe.(*)

The action, which was under strict police guard, was to protest the alleged practice of buying and selling Student Worksheets (LKS) at Elementary Schools (SD) in Lhokseumawe City.

Report of Saiful Bahri I Lhokseumawe

SERAMBINEWS.COM, LHOKSEUNAWE - Students who are members of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement and the Indonesian National Student Union demonstrated in front of the Lhokseumawe Mayor's Office, Wednesday (26/1/2022).

The action, which was under strict police guard, was to protest the alleged practice of buying and selling Student Worksheets (LKS) at Elementary Schools (SD) in Lhokseumawe City.

Where according to the version of the students who demonstrated, the alleged practice of buying and selling LKS in schools is an act that is not allowed.

Pantuan, when holding the action, the students carried a number of posters.

Posters written about criticism.

Besides, the orators continued to give speeches alternately.

This action was also closely monitored by the police.

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Not long after, Assistant I of the Lhokseumawe Secretariat, Maksalmina, met the demonstrators.

Furthermore, there was a long dialogue between the demonstrators and Maksalmina.

Until 12.30 WIB the students were still standing in front of the Lhokseumawe mayor's office. (*)

The action, which was under strict police guard, was to protest the alleged practice of buying and selling Student Worksheets (LKS) at Elementary Schools (SD) in Lhokseumawe City.

Report of Saiful Bahri I Lhokseumawe

SERAMBINEWS.COM, LHOKSEUNAWE - Students who are members of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement and the Indonesian National Student Union demonstrated in front of the Lhokseumawe Mayor's Office, Wednesday (26/1/2022).

The action, which was under strict police guard, was to protest the alleged practice of buying and selling Student Worksheets (LKS) at Elementary Schools (SD) in Lhokseumawe City.

Where according to the version of the students who demonstrated, the alleged practice of buying and selling LKS in schools is an act that is not allowed.

Pantuan, when holding the action, the students carried a number of posters.

Posters written about criticism.

Besides, the orators continued to give speeches alternately.

This action was also closely monitored by the police.

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Not long after, Assistant I of the Lhokseumawe Secretariat, Maksalmina, met the demonstrators.

Furthermore, there was a long dialogue between the demonstrators and Maksalmina.

Until 12.30 WIB the students were still standing in front of the Lhokseumawe mayor's office. (*)

Source: Serambi Indonesia

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