RE: Syrian Resistance Neutralizes CIA Agents and US Troops in Syria

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Syrian Resistance Neutralizes CIA Agents and US Troops in Syria

in news •  last year 

It's the same event, still some more developments I'm preparing for a new updated report as more CIA and US troops were killed in the subsequent exchange of bombing.

You need to understand that the Pentagon's propagandists whitewash the US war crimes and claim they spread democracy and freedoms and combat terrorism, if you read the linked report above on Syria News, you'll find out in detail how their narrative is 180 degrees opposite the truth, they support terrorism, they create terrorist groups, arm it, fund it, train it and command it, it's all documented, they only target terrorist commanders who go astray or those killed are better for propaganda than keeping them alive.

Trump said on video when he was commander in chief his troops in Syria are to keep the oil, the pentagon's propaganda say to combat ISIS. John Kerry when secretary of state said they saw ISIS grow and march to threaten Damascus and they wanted Assad to ask them for help, instead he brought in the Russians, their propagandists claim totally the opposite, his recording is there.

The difference, is we do not want to wait 20 years for the world to find out the reality of events, we're reporting it as it happens.

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