RE: NATO's Major War Crime in Syria: Cutting the Water of the Euphrates

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NATO's Major War Crime in Syria: Cutting the Water of the Euphrates

in news •  last year 

Thank you for the reply dear and your concern.

There were multiple agreements signed between Turkey and Syria in which Turkey either refused to ratify or implement in regard to the distribution of water, similarly with Iraq, as there are a number of rivers, the Euphrates is the main one.

This is a link in Arabic on Wikipedia of the 1987 agreement click here, and there's the Adana Accords for shared security, the treaty which Turkey breached and occupied northern Syria for its failing to implement and now is crying to have it implemented without withdrawing the Turkish army and its Al Qaeda sponsored proxy terrorists from the north of Syria: Adana Accords.

Remember, first of all, Turkey is a NATO member state and we know how NATO members do not respect any of the agreements they sign.
Second, there are fanatic in Turkey, Erdogan is one of them, who still dream of reviving the disgusting Ottoman Empire based on historical claims that it ruled the region, they forget that prior to the Ottoman empire there were two empires that Turkey was included in, the Omayyad based in Damascus and the Abbassid based in Baghdad, so if Turkey wants to go back in history, why not go back a bit further and come under Damascus's rule, which we Syrians definitely do not want?

Then there are the Idlib agreement(s), in which Erdogan in order to stop the Syrian army from liberating Idlib promised in the end of 2018 to withdraw his 'rebels' basically Al Qaeda from northern Syria instead of having the Syrian army eliminate them and they flee to Turkey causing him internal troubles. He got Russia and Iran as guarantors and refuse to this date to implement the agreements, on the contrary, he beefed up those terrorists, see the date:

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