Al Qaeda Levant Consolidating their Grip on Territories in Northern Syria

in news •  2 years ago 

NATO's beloved proxy Al Qaeda Levant is expanding in northern Aleppo countryside on dismantling and swallowing other but smaller NATO's beloved proxy terrorist groups affiliated with Al Qaeda and commanded by NATO member state Turkey.

Al Qaeda Levant aka HTS (Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham) aka Nusra Front or Jabhat Nusra took over the city of Al-Bab, a major urban center in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo in northern Syria, the move was after the defeat of a so-called National Army which was created by the regime of the Turkish madman Erdogan.

HTS is sponsored by a number of NATO member states plus the Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, and the National Army is sponsored by Turkey and Qatar exclusively, both are different faces of the notorious Al Qaeda and its ISIS offshoot. All of these in the end are commanded by the USA and to a lesser degree by the UK.

The commander of the HTS (Al Qaeda Levant), a so-called Al-Jolani (nickname) was featured by western media and called a 'moderate' figure, his British PR firm advised him to stop wearing his Al Qaeda uniform which made him famous in the ranks of terrorists, he's wearing modern suits and is seen inaugurating civilian projects provided by the UN and other NGOs in Idlib.

NATO wants a role for this terrorist and his group in future Syria, they didn't invest hundreds of billions of dollars in their war on the Syrian people just to see it all burned out. Russia is somehow inclined to accept this settlement; Syria is not and is vehemently rejecting such ideas, the Russian position can be seen in the latest UNSC resolution to extend the lifeline of this terrorist group from Turkey through illegal border crossings.

More about this story with the transcript of the translation of the above video report: NATO’s Al Qaeda Levant Expanding its Control in Northern Syria.

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