56 US Casualties in 46 Attacks on Illegal US Bases in Syria and Iraq in 3 Weeks

in news •  10 months ago 

US CENTOCM admitted that 56 of its troops illegally deployed in Syria and Iraq were casualties, killed and injured, in 46 attacks on their bases since 17 October 2023.

Early dawn today, Monday 13 November, the US Army bombed what it claimed to be 'posts used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps in eastern Syria' resulting in the murder of one person and the injury of another.

Always bringing up the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps in their allegations, the US and by extension the Israelis try to implicate Iran in their war crimes in Syria even if attacks on the IRGC, if true, are not justifiable, the US and Israel are committing war crimes in Syria and are breaching the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity and this will have dire consequences to both aggressors sooner than they wish.

In response, the Iraqi Resistance bombed illegal US Army bases in the eastern countryside of the Syrian northeastern province of Deir Ezzor.

The borrowed from the board of Raytheon weapons manufacturer US Secretary of Defense admitted the illegal bombing of the alleged IRGC posts in northeastern Syria claiming it was in 'self-defense' without elaborating why the US Army has bases in Syria in the first place.

The member of Biden's war criminal cabinet also failed to explain in which international law article he drew the 'self-defense' right his troops have in Syria when they are acting as occupation forces and the full right is that of the people of Syria to resist the occupation in all methods.

More about this latest development which expands the US-led Israeli Holocaust against Gaza in this report: US Bases in Syria Bombed as Biden Expands the War on Gaza.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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