Unshackled minds - the war inches closer - 40 miles away now - ww3?

in news •  3 years ago  (edited)


I am close to the border.

Some of the rockets/missiles make the sky sound like hell let alone the destruction when they land, the latter I have no idea about.
I can hear them though but cannot see them. It is weird to say the least.
It is insane to think one, just one dumb bomb and we have ww3 if any of it lands over my side of the border here in Poland - Nato and all.

I see them daily on facebook, war deniers that are allegedly/supposedly "truthers" - the media has done such a marvelous job of destroying it's own credibility over the last 2 years or few decades more like that nobody believes them anymore, I will gladly trade places with those saying there is no war, so they can hear the sky sound like hell above them, the roar that shatters the serenity at our farm.

I noted today my barn is damaged too, it was 12" thick and 75 feet long but now an entire corner is ready to collapse. If I do not fix it tomorrow I am in for 1 huge bill to replace the entire thing, and I have 30 plus motorbikes inside it with nowhere else to put them.


I have no idea how that hole got there neither.

Any builders on here? Joking.
The roof too has a hole in it 10 feet wide and 10 feet high, oh the joys of farming hey.
Anyway, nothing more to say apart from we visited the next farm over from us for a long walk and this is my daughter with 1 of their two huge alsations/German sheppards.


Still a bit chilly but feels like spring is indeed sprung, ish, almost.
Could be worse, could be 30 miles over.


Have a superb day ahead.

First image open source from pixabay.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Strong the experience you are living... You have a beautiful girl, may God bless you always...

Your girl's dog is beautiful, I love dogs like that, they are very beautiful... More than they are the best friends...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That wall is most definitely going to collapse. I have no idea how your floor and ceiling is, but some beams for support will be needed. Otherwise I feel the worst may happen which is, it collapses and pulls more material from the house down. apart from what you have inside in storage. My advice is to stay away from that part of the house until it gets fixed. Remove everything inside that room.

Rebuilding that type of wall should not be too hard. You can do it out of wood too. and decorate the outside with rocks later to make it match. My concern is the safety of your children and pets. Keep reminding them to stay a safe distance away.

If I lived close by I would pitch a hand. What type of extra materials you got laying around to use for support in the meanwhile? for incase it does collapse.


I never heard missile strikes before in person. I can not imagine what that might be like. I hope you are stocked up on supplies either way for incase war goes over the border. I have been saying it has been ww3 and only now it is comencing its phase 3. where it is more noticable. Phase one: cyber warfare. Phase 2: World wide false flag attack (conviruz 1984) to get people used the idea of being locked down for what is to come. Phase 3: Military involvment on ground level. Mobilization etc. War with its civilians.

Here in mexico everything is calm. Not much talk about the war. The mainstream news is talking about other bs not very important, barely mentioning the war in ukraine. and as you very well know, not telling the truth about it. as always.

I found this interesting. Dives into how the first two wars were made. From the truthmedia, episode 4 of the trust game. I believe the more history we know the more we will be able to understand why we are doomed to repeat it again.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"If I lived close by I would pitch a hand. What type of extra materials you got laying around to use for support in the meanwhile? for incase it does collapse."

Loads, got wood, bricks, cement and sand, it is a barn my friend not house and the roof is held by old railway tracks so not going anywhere soon.

"I believe the more history we know the more we will be able to understand why we are doomed to repeat it again."

It is politicians, all they know is regurgitate and repeat as they are stupid.

I have nowhere to put all the stuff from inside it, 30 motorbikes, sit on lawnmower and loads of other things as my other barn is used for farming items.
Cheers for the comment and concern.

I pray for the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones. I am very concerned for Poland, and obviously for my own country, Italy. These are extremely delicate times, and the Totalitarian Tip Toe has turned into a Sprint, and next comes Warp 9! 🥺

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, but with love in our hearts we will win, never doubt it for one second.

I admire your optimism! It's the right thing to feel, although I don't always manage to maintain it!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Man up bro, in you I trust, so you have to lead, not be lead.

Thank you! You are absolutely correct! 🙏

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm surprised he has managed to remain on YouTube!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me too.

if anything goes uk is right in there. We will be there like a blue arsed fly I am sure of it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

UK is liberal insane, so you may be correct.

I think if America would go now we would go with them tbh into Ukraine.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

For world war 3? that would be the end, the final chapter, and a Jews wet dream. They are all insane, don;t ya know https://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm

I had visions of another crisis, not sure if it was a war but there were only 8 of us left in my area and we had to rebuild everything from scratch. It's kind of creepy as a few people seem to have had similar visions. It didn't really look like war though perhaps it was more chemical.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Unsure what to say with regards that, I build everything myself, so used to that concept. If I need a wheel barrow, I make one, if I need a new roof , new door, new floor, I just make them, maybe we all forgot, we can do anything if we try x

Wow I wish I has that ability I’m not that good with handy work almost hit a wire putting up a shelf lol

I saw a YouTube of a woman who Was in an abusive relationship and to get out of it she learnt how to build her own house on YouTube and built a four bedroom family house or something it was incredible. I do think we can do anything if we put our mind to it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you @abiga554 very much.

My shed has a hole in it like that too, it's been like that for a while. I imagine fixing drystone wall is much harder than bricks. I should sort it out too.
You could always blame Putin for the hole, no wait, that will start WW111.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Why not, everyone else is blaming him for everything lol, inflation was high anyway, now they have a baddie to blame hey, and they are all in the same club anyway.


Yup you know it. Hey have you seen this new lefty-liberal campaign? I just heard it on the radio and couldn't believe it. The naivety is staggering.
I wonder what kind of people would be prepared to pay to cold call Russians in this way and wtf do they expect to achieve? Crazy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I tend to stay away from modern left articles, they make me want to puke reading them, and it makes my head hurt, the right is not much better neither, I tend to just want to be sovereign and ignore both sides.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It's not an article it's a campaign. You have to see it to believe it. LaLa land most people live in. I get what you mean tho, living in London I was surrounded by it, even considered myself one of them, I think it was brexit that woke me up to their nonsense. Couldn't live amongst that any more.
Oh btw what do you think of this? Have to ask coz you are the closest I know to it that I trust.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That article was bs, there is a war, there are men like me not willing to run away, there are kids too, research tgal, men are banned from leaving there under 60, there is a reason, but I am done doing posts for a pittance.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I never said there wasn't a 'war'. I AM researching. Did you see the report from American soldiers saying they were being sent to the front with no ammo? They're refusing to go. I think thats why they're making the men stay. They WANT them all dead. I won't even attempt to unravel the politics of it all coz seems it's all bullshit. How are your refugees?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I guess they do want them all dead, as it is the chosen land for some, you know who they are too. Refugees are fine, all women and children.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Posted your seeds today sis, enjoy. x

sorry you have to hear that

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am not, it just reminds me how insane people are that think money backed by nothing is worth something.