Shackled minds - you can do anything if you try.

in news •  2 years ago 

state theft.jpg

Set your mind free.

I came here 8 years ago, what I knew about farming I could write on the back of a postage stamp - with a marker pen.
There are so many aspects of life & trades I did not know anything about too.
This week I made a bench, a fence, a door, last year I relaid flooring, fixed a roof, restored the garage leaking roof, put in solar a few years ago.
I/we made an eco drive, one that on occasions does turn to mush, but not for long.
I had zero knowledge with regards woodwork, with regards building, I had zero knowledge regards growing food.
The closest I had come to growing food was in the suburbs in Birmingham UK, I threw some spuds as we call them, potatoes into the ground, when they grew I was amazed, such is/was my ignorance to growing food.
If you had shown me a broken floor made of wood before, I would have paid someone else to fix it, now I fix it myself.
I have made walls, BBQ'S out of bricks, gates, fences and of course motorbikes, hey come on, got to have a bit of fun.
My point is everyone has everything in them, if they try.
I made a wheelbarrow 7 years ago, it still works well, if I can, you can too.


There are thousands of years effort put into making you, and I.

We made it here, we made it this far, and for thousands of years our families did not need to be forced to take medication, or forced to be jabbed, think about it, think long and hard.
Inside each one of us is the knowledge of those gone before us, our fathers, our mothers, grandmothers and way beyond.
I was never a painter yet now I paint, I was never a farmer yet now I farm, I was never a carpenter yet now I make things out of wood, if I can, you can; If the mind is in bondage, unshackle it, release those bonds, they serve no purpose and only hold you back.

The unshackled minds series was for the wrong crowd, unshackled minds is an echo chamber of like minded free thinking souls, what is needed is releasing those in mental bondage, shackled minds, setting them free from the mental bondage of being controlled by those with little interest in truth, in freedom, those liars that pave the way for wars, tax us and think they rule this earth.

Everyone of us is free, everyone of us is sovereign, you just forgot possibly.
There is nothing I do that you can not do, you are made up of thousands of years of complicated history, and you made it thus far, you are incredible, never let anyone make you doubt that fact.
History is being torn apart in front of our eyes, the Nuremberg Code (1947) has been dismissed and ignored in the face of medical tyranny in so many countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy etc etc.....
It is high time we all broke free from the matrix of lies, what is written is no longer worth the paper it was written on, prove me wrong?

Extract 1 =

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment."

Do as I do not as I say, grow your own anything, including cannabis, make anything you want and refuse to comply with insane rules, disobedience is a must if the law is unjust.


I watched Will Smith the adult pretender they call an actor last night.

It was only a couple of minutes long but what he said makes absolute sense, he stated "he had been to the top of owning everything, having everything he could, but if you are no use to the society around you - you have no purpose, and it is all for nothing" and I agree with him.

So with this in mind we enter the 8th, yes 8th year of "food is free" the series I started back on steemit way back when. deliberator was my name/handle then.

The idea is simple, we grow food and share it with anyone that needs it locally. I think this year will be the most important of them all with the rising food prices. I could sell all the food and make a fortune, but what is money with no friends?
We have tried a bring and take tent, delivering food to each house, trading food and last year filled silos for animals to eat in the winter, this year we will try the lot, all variants.
Unlearn everything you were told, and remember all you forgot.

Have a superb sunshine filled day, go forth with love in your heart.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is something I've "indoctrinated" (lol) into my kid = There is nothing that is that hard that you can't do it!

Sure, there are things that require time - I couldn't (wouldn't) walk into an OR to perform heart surgery after reading a book. But that isn't the point - the point is I could if that's what I really wanted to do.

On a more earthy level, I also didn't know squat about agriculture, but all that knowledge is easily available, plus a bit of thinking and imagination to come up with the best local solutions. I came up with solutions none of the locals thought of, yet after some discussions with some local agriculture graduates, they thought it was perfectly sensible. For example, locals burn away their free organic fertilisers and then complain of the price of the synthetic stuff. That's another lesson - don't copy everybody else just coz they have limited their options.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Another thing I've taught my kid is to not believe me either! Look it up, if you can.
Thing is, most everything I predicted 2 years ago, at the start of this global shot-show, have come true.
That in itself also warrants a level of trust - but still, look things up.
Much of the kovidian skam is not even about the science, but about logic. eg. CDC have admitted that the so-called PCR test is not fit for the purpose, and yet all past data, based this non-test remain valid!! see the scam? if you can't then a basic course in logic might help - or a de-programming session.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The WHO admitted it did not work too, yet governments still used it, the people behind the PCR test fraud are German and being taken to court, the ICC and all, but as the entire system seems broken there may indeed be zero point,

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We can catalogue, and not forget, how the criminal system is itself criminal - and hence, justice shall be obtained by "extra judicial" means.

If these were animals, they'd be culled - unfortunately...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed, I saw no flicker of humanity when they culled whole herds for having fake-kovid - what were they? minks? stoats? decimated a real industry for bullshit reasons.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hamsters they culled in Hong Kong, Denmark 17 million mink culled, idiots being idiots.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The reason the elitescum controlled psychiatry, as a side effect of medicine, was precisely to avoid their deranged minds ever being caught and cured.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nothing elite about them, they are interbred pond life, regurgitate and repeat morons, with cotton balls in the side of their mouth, to make them sound like somehow they are above us all, you only have to look at how "elite" families marry cousins to keep the wealth "in the family" but like I always say, money backed by nothing is worth nothing so congrats on shagging ya sister, for nothing. 😀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's not really true, tho - money is backed by violence.
Look at what happens every time some country or commodity tries to shed the dependence on the USD - or Sterling in the past, and increasingly the Yuan.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I had no idea about soil, types of soil, lime, fertilizer the lot until I came here, if I can grow masses of food, anyone can, and I use not a single pesticide too, only nettles soaked in water for a week, it stinks bad, but it works well.

The unshackled minds series was for the wrong crowd, unshackled minds is an echo chamber of like minded free thinking souls, what is needed is releasing those in mental bondage, shackled minds

Sadly I think most who want to reach them are incapable. It's not common knowledge that ALL of us are in various trance states day in day out. For whatever reason, those who are succumbing to the evil narratives are hooked upon them. Possibly because the more one is in trances of a certain theme anchors are created making it easier to be placed in that same trance area and to be pushed deeper.

I don't really have a solution, as it seems to me that for the majority of folks who are entranced into the evil narrative that even if they are pulled out, they can easily be pushed back into where they were pulled from.

Put more simply, I don't believe it possible to wake up most as long as those who control their current trances are still in power controlling everything they have been entranced into valuing. It will take a devastating event that upends those in control of their trances for them to be able to break free.

I'm going to spend a greater part of this year as you suggest. Learning to survive with the world outside of the concrete prisons. I believe it might have been a video you shared some time back, on the guy with the axe who was making a shelter that gave me an impetus again for wanting to learn this despite my age.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sadly I think you are correct, sad but true, but never to late to change, or try something new, massive respect to you for trying.

That would be my buddy in Norway with the log cabin, he makes everything himself, sadly youtube removed him for speaking the truth, 1 by one they silence us all, better go down kicking and screaming, not just with a whimper hey.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your lesson sounds like something out of Thoreau. I wonder if I am going about education the wrong way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Everything you need to know is inside you, the knowledge is already there, let it out, be free, and make a better world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hoping you and family have a great day mate. Let's help the world not hinder it like those in Government.😃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Making another door brother, turning some soil and planting some seeds, have a superb day my long time friend.

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