Shackled minds - new normal

in news •  2 years ago 


Everything I do, I do it for you.

Poland has changed, possibly forever. I know everyone wants to pick a side and run with it, but the huge influx of new people here, millions of them, is not simply a case of "oh them poor Ukrainians" the reality is very different.
There are some that have turned to prostitution, I judge not, maybe they need the money, or just enjoy the work.
Some just sit on doorsteps drinking, others sit in the park doing the same.
Again, I am not the judge or the jury.
I am just stating facts, reality if you like, and if you do not.

As a result of this new influx of people speaking multiple languages, I now spend most of my time with my daughter, she goes everywhere I go.
I must say I do enjoy her company too.
We sing songs in the car, just at random, any she starts, we play silly beggars in the yard, chase each other for fun, and she keeps me young.

Now do not get me wrong, 95% of the new arrivals are just normal/nice people, but there is always going to be 5 to 10% that anyone is not going to agree with.
When people are getting drunk in children's parks and taking toilet breaks up trees in front of them, I draw the line in the sand right there.
Life is not black and white, it is not clear pictures, pick a side, it is complex, as are we all.
But all the same, this has given me a new lease of life, a stronger link with my 10 year old daughter, and now she gets to see how a farm works, she also gets to see how I restore motorbikes that one day she will inherit and sell.


That is a front fork from a Yamaha rd 350 lc from 1982. They sell for between £6,000 to £12,000 as we speak, or I type, so when she is 18 plus it should be worth considerably more.

I digress.

I/we moved to Poland for a better future for my youngest daughter, she speaks Polish in a superb way, English and Spanish too.
To understand where I lived before in Birmingham UK is complex, and I have covered it before, there are many grooming gangs there that are allowed to thrive by the police so as not to offend. Not covering that topic again.

It is not as safe here now, not like it was before, so I spend a lot of time walking with my daughter, playing games with her, acting like a child, letting her be one, why not.
You may think me selfish for pointing out the reality and facts, but to be honest, I am very happy to be spending more time with my daughter.
Reality bites, nothing is black and white.

Have a superb day, sunshine and all, we are off to play football in the sunshine and she gets to play on a swing.
Great life all the same, got to live it, to love it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In fact, I wanted to talk about that, but I preferred to not do because I was afraid to be attacked and called a war supporter again. I understand what you are talking about, because we have enough of such people arriving here during 2014. And I've seen how some of them act. Anyway, I'm glad you and others are learning about them. Not all of them are the same, but still there are some who think that since he/she is a refugee, so all the world owe them something.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

"he/she is a refugee, so all the world owe them something." You are spot on with that, there are a lot of them that are acting entitled, want benefits, demand teachers that speak their language and do not want to work, I call them "freeloaders" and yes, there are plenty of them. And in no way would I accuse you of being pro war, that would be insane to do.
I cover the good and the bad subjects so as to be objective, no point in saying everything is rosy, when it is not.
Thanks for a great comment, and never be afraid to ask me anything, my door is always open as is my comment section.

The Polish Government, or rather the globalists that it serves, want to cause social unrest. In a destabilised country it is easier to introduce the principles of the Great Reset. This was done in Ukraine, and they want to do the same in Poland

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

WEF attending banker/wankers, your country has indeed been infiltrated, they will want you all on a bowl of rice soon, as they have stated already, and women to stay home and have children and shut up, seen the quotes, they are all indeed in it together, resentful bastards the lot of them.

Before Morawiecki became prime minister, he worked for many years as a banker for globalists. Some time ago he sold all his properties and lands he owned in Poland. He is ready to flee, in my opinion a war or civil unrest in Poland is very likely to happen. The Polish government provokes the Russians every day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Get some guns bro, I have bought 4 pistols, a rifle, a shotgun, explosives too. It may well start, so be prepared.
Macron, that old git in Germany and Putin are all products of the greedy WEF, time to reel them in like fish, reality is calling. I made Poland home, not moving for ANY of them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That's great. I wasn't talking about you. I know you'll never call me that, because you know my position. There are other brainwashed people who called me liked that. Since then, I lost many friends, or maybe I thought they are friends. I'm glad there are so many like-minded people who I rather call friends. This brainwashing machine is turning many to zombies who don't think, but only call thinkers with names. Maybe I just should keep sharing my opinion and finding more like-minded and not to care about those who support the narrative.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You have to be real, say what you think, what you feel, we call it gut instinct, if it feels wrong it is wrong, then look for evidence it is wrong.
I had a few days of downvotes on hive for stating the mRNA was a trial and it is stated as such on every government website, I also stated facts about the amount of deaths and injuries it was causing, and got the same treatment, those who have been fooled do not want the truth, they want comforting by others that fall for the lies.

These "facts" trigger them.


And that is just 1 of the alleged vaccines.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, I know all that about how vaccines are killing and hurting people. I know about how everyone is pushed to help Ukraine without caring about innocent Russians who just live here or were born here. I consider them also victims of those sanctions including myself and my family. I know that all the politicians aren't doing it right from both sides, but it still hurt when some crazy people considering me supporting war. Just because I'm always saying that all the politicians aren't doing good, but not accepting the narrative, that only Ukrainians are the victims. By the way people from Russia are also running. And they are welcomed in some countries. Because they didn't choose the situation they were put in. Most of them never voted for the recent regime. Including me who never voted in my life and my wife who always voted against. People in the world don't even know that there are Russians who still hold the soviet passport, and they didn't want to take the one of Russian Federation. That's even something I prefer to not write about to be safe. Anyway, I see you having more experience in sharing the information. It will be nice if you'll create a content about that without mentioning me. People should know some facts. Facts about poor soviet, or Russian people who have nothing to do with the war, that's in fact lasting for more than 8 years, but didn't start only a month ago.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will cover the subject and I do understand what you are talking about, I have never been pro government, any of them, and I also know a lot about Russian history as history is one of my passions, not the history we are fooled with at so called schools, real history, stay strong brother, not a bit of what is happening is your fault, and nobody should judge you based solely on where you live.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is another topic I would like you to cover. It's about UCLG. They seem working with globalists or something like that. They have offices in all around the world. Maybe you already know something about them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes I know all about them, they say one thing and do another, I will cover that one, no problem.

Keep saying it how it is my friend - life is seldom as simplistic or one sided as the hand me down black and white narratives through which people cheer, boo, and signal their virtues.

I always remember a story from my friend in Africa, two Japanese tourists got out their hire vehicle to walk up to film a pride of lions, the boyfriend was killed, and the girlfriend simply stood their filming - right up until the lion turned and killed her. Life through a lens eh? Dangerous times.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I smell ww3 on the horizon, I can not cover the subject of life without including the reality, no matter what people like or want, the reality is what it is, and the media chanting "Ukraine, help them" should raise so many alarm bells, even with those that still consume the propaganda.

1 Ukrainian was telling me face to face that over there they have been doing people and organ trafficking, something I will write about if his links prove correct, and his sources, for now I will say it is conjecture until I have time to find out.
Cheers brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I smell ww3 on the horizon

You could very well be right. Certainly, they're going full steam ahead and have gone too far to turn back. They're creating a perfect storm - where all the previously separate waves (plandemics, climate, war, finance) will merge into an all consuming maelstrom.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hence why I bought guns and explosives, if the few want a war, then so be it, but here I know where they live, and they go first, not me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love the reality you bring us, hope you both have a fun playing 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers my long time brother from another mother. Have a superb day ahead.