Shackled minds - mass psychosis operation & apology

in news •  2 years ago 


I reacted badly to #megadrive idea re a drone.

I admit I overreacted, I also gave some abuse to #ctime that in no way he deserved.
I have apologised to the latter, I also apologise to the former.
My bad language was also out of character, I normally reserve that kind of cunning linguist ism for fun.

I must admit I was shocked by 1 or two peoples response to my anger, to my outburst, but you too must understand all I say below.
I also must say some of you were fantastic, and asked me not to leave, and to you I tip my hat, you know who you are.

Some of you know I only live a few miles from the border where the war is happening, some of you know most of my life I have tried to give, not take, I grow food, farm and never sell a single item, I have been doing this for 8 years since leaving engineering in the automotive industry.

I see the escapees every day, I interact with them, feed them, see their pain.
Adding more weapons to this war triggered me, but my response was disproportionate. My language profane.
I get it #megadrive was acting with emotion, he was triggered when he wrote his post, you have to understand I was when I read it, I wish someone never sent it to me.

Here is a post I did today with regards to how everyone is being played,

I see them, the weapons the west send, I see them going over the border to kill people. I see the people that arrive that have left because politicians love a good war, it furthers their aims.
The UK just offered 100 million £ in weapons to the Ukraine, but you can guarantee they have to pay it back, but hey, politicians seize a chance to look like a hero to save their own career of deception and lies.

The Ukraine will look like Syria after all is said and done, broken, devastated, and nobody will want to rebuild it for free, not Russia, not the west.
And the war whores in politics will have handed contracts to their friends like Boris did, but demand a repayment in full.
Many countries are sending weapons there, so #megadrives post wanting to send more triggered me, but at least he was offering it for free.

You both have my apology, I would like to hang around, and if some have muted me, no longer want to speak to me, or read my posts, I can fully understand.

I like making things better.
Most of my time is helping others, giving not receiving. I am just made like that, if I need to make money I can and will, but not at others expense, I am not a politician.

If you all still want me to be on here I will stay, but if you do not I will go, there is enough conflict near me on the border without me adding to it.

I carry a gun in each of my cars now, not something I want to do, but I must.
Most of what I write is to set people free from mental bondage, we are all played for fools by government and the media.

Watch they live on yt, set yourself free, I have, and what will be will be.

All the same my language was appalling, and for that too my apologies.

All rewards go to #celi130 towards her mothers meds.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This block keeps getting better and better.


Here's the view from my border.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Looks a tad cloudy, nice sunny day here, but a touch cold in the AM, and warmer in the PM.


Because of the mix up, I searched out the person you wanted rewards to go to and upvoted her post here instead to honor your intent.

I'm heartened to read your apology. I remember asking you to stay before you engaged Ctime and Megadrive. It quickly brought back memories when I was the recipient years ago of the same from you.

I kept my counsel as this time I know you are dealing with pressure due to your close proximity to the insanity unfolding there. I do hope that this will serve as a turning point for you to stop targeting those who don't deserve it.

As for megadrive, I too was aghast at his original intent, and spoke out against it here.

I was appreciative that both cofounders commented on my post, and not in a combative form. That is just one of many examples I could give where I have been vocal against something here and never been attacked for it. I believe that here at Blurt one is welcome to voice criticism to ideas and as long as it's the idea being attacked and not the person it will be handled by most with respect.

I told you when you first came here that while I was hesitant of being close to you because of our past that I would support you because when you're on your game you bring much value. I feel we've since moved closer despite my initial hesitancy. So without knowing what if any blowback from others might be a result of your actions, I do wish you to stay and not allow anyone of us here to trigger you into being an outlet for the frustrations you are undergoing.

Blurt is a place of respect unlike any I've seen since doing the social blockchain, but I do fear that those who choose to make it not will not fare well here over time regardless of reasons for it occurring.

Thanks again for owning those as mistakes, and glad to see you back.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I could spend 1 hour replying to that, bit by bit, but instead I will tell you what I did, I tend to write things down, the changes I want in me, but I write them in the present tense not future, and I wrote on my notice board, change starts with self, save the anger for when you need it, and that is not online.

I am sad my daughter has had 2 years of government abuse, and she now talks about a war with her friends like it is normal. I just hope they are as resilient as we think they are, and not left with a scar.

Cheers brother, sticking around to annoy @nothern-tracey and a few others, only joking, pleasure being here, and pleasure chatting with you all.

I think she was playing devils advocate to me mentioning triggered, or she maybe was 😀 what do I know anyway :-)

Ps. Payout is declined so I think all rewards will be burned

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My bad, I thought I had set it at celi130, but I also seem to have set it at burn, oh well, my bad again, thanks for your support.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy you have owned it and apologized, I would like you to hang around on Blurt and continue to share with us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers my long time brother from another brother, my step father said own your mistakes, or you never learn from them, so I do, I just like to take time to think about them first.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I understand that you are in a very rough patch. You understand that we all are. The interaction was honest on all parts. I am happy to hear there has been some reconciliation. Thank you for doing what you do, and I hope you stick around to give us more of your very valuable insights.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you dear lady, if people want me to stay I will, if they do not I will not. It is a very emotive time I guess, and I should have used my head more than my heart, I am not usually heart first, but with a 10 year old daughter and the last 2 years of political fraud and WEF nonsense, it angers me seeing her and her friends having to talk about a war, after 2 years of being abused about a fake virus, no politician can prove exists, it is that, right there that angers me, the children are being abused.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting. That happened to me about a year ago. The realisation that my little sprog had to grow up very quickly and become a warrior - to save herself if I'm gone. And she has been exceptional - don't underestimate the power in the children. :-) Their perceptions have not as yet been fucked, not all of them.

Good to see you back, man!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was when they started zoom lessons over 2 years ago, then started sending people home to self isolate, and stopped them using the playground that I pulled my daughter from indoctrination.
I have never been a fan of the state regurgitate and repeat system, that is how we ended up with pill pushing doctors and as we both know, if you want to learn how to do something you do. With no need to be told how to do it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When the parents started to prick their kids - I'm outta here! WE are outta here!!
We may never know the % of placebos, but why take the high risk with zero benefits?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And as we are now seeing around the world, judges throwing out cases against Scheitzer and co.
"It was never mandatory. You had a choice. You're gonna die - too bad - sorry - your risk."

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You seen the amount of sports pro's dropping like flies with heart attacks post injection? Never seen anything like it in my life before.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And lamestream media have to report these as they are on camera - but zero analysis - hush...
nothing to see.
let's interview a trannie bonding with the girls instead.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well it was a trial, so roughly 30%, but multiple jabs and it becomes Russian Roulette, and offgrid UN-followed me "AGAIN" for mentioning injections in my post lol.
Oh boy, I only write because I care, it would be easier to not give a crap.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, I only write to help those few already half way there and maybe need some pointers.
Not giving a fuck is very very easy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

From what I've seen, it's a regional thing, so placebo %s will depend on one's country.
The estimates I've seen of real toxic jabs are like 10-20%.
Simple probability theory will yield an estimate of how many such boosters it takes to be "lucky".

It is so much easier to poison people than to find the poison. Only private labs can do this kinda forensic investigations into the pharmacriminals. And they have to be careful.

Going back to numbers, the demand for boosters is hugely suspicious, so I reckon it is the cocktail that is truly lethal. eg if you need 2 pricks to fall over, it could be 2 out of 3 or 4 or 5, then you get whacked! Some may be more sensitive.

maths is very useful here as the medscam cannot hide from real analysis eg the laughable graphs of case spikes that are impossible outside of the scam fantasy world. They have become better at scamming the data too.

But a large part of the criminality is the insistence that even govscum cannot take batches of the vile vials and have them analysed. To those who cannot see this as a huge con, well, your future is in your arm.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed it is.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes and for me this is one of the most telling aspects of the past two years. Our schools became prisons, our children were expected to act like prisoners, or they would be punished. And the parents saw this as reasonable. Somehow parental instincts have been disabled. We willingly sacrificed our children, ostensibly to keep the old folks alive a few more days. I think this happens at birth, the first time we allow our newborn babies' skins to be pierced, against all instincts to protect. Then again, and again, we take our children in for their skin to be pierced. It's black magic. Vaccines are black magic. A magic that enslaves the mind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was terrible here hence why I home school.
They had children walking 6 feet apart in single file, not allowed outside, windows open in the classroom in the winter, most children spent over 9 months self isolating. Sitting in masks inside all day.
They were not allowed to talk to friends, not allowed outside.
Had to be accompanied by an adult to go outside. Most complied, I refused, nobody breaks my child, nobody.

They also have compulsory jabs here that we have refused to do, we are due a fine soon, but I will not pay it all the same. No idea what the jab is, but my daughter will not be getting it all the same.


I'm really glad you decided to stay! These moments happen in life because we have fragile souls and are being manipulated in unimaginable ways. I was one of those people who said why don't you just leave, but not because I wanted you to leave, but because you yourself were expressing a great level of dissatisfaction, and it seemed to me that you were intent on leaving, but also intent on sort of blowing up on whoever before leaving, as often happens when a relationship ends.

My intervention into the conflict was not driven by wanting to take sides, but rather because we must be mindful that we are public figures - not politicians - but public figures with followers. I follow you and the work you do! So when I go to read what you post, it is as if you have invited me to your table to participate in the discussion. And this is what I did. I was stern and condescending with you, for which I sincerely apologize. But this is how I was raised, where my friends have the responsibility to call me out when I am ruining my own reputation.

Please remain, please continue posting great posts, and thank you so much for allowing the tensions to calm and choosing peace. We're building a great platform, imperfect but great, and I genuinely believe this is why want to remain and contribute! Lots of love and respect, Bro! 🙏♥️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, we all have bad days, I am not perfect like most or all people.
Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Grateful for the support you always give me.

That always happens when sometimes we are in a euphoria, we say what we shouldn't, that's why there is a saying that you don't speak when you are upset. Because the words that can come out are not the most appropriate, but sometimes we are impulsive things like this happen. The important thing is to recognize the mistake we made.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, sent you 150 blurt, hope it helps.

I think the way blurt is made we have to eventually discuss and solve problems, I admired that @megadrive himself backed down and apologised on several things, including speaking on behalf of the platform about the war etc. Thats the difference between blurt and that which I can't even be bothered to name, people actually are able to self reflect and apologise, communicate and accept responsibility here. We all react, we all get it wrong, we all get it right etc and handle situations well or badly but here it's reflected upon rather than just constantly punishing people and throwing weight around. I love this platform more and more every day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At least here it does not linger with downvotes, it does in other ways, like people refusing to accept your apology, but that is up to them, ctime accepted my apology all the same, and big up to him.

we all get things wrong sometimes and over react, apologising is a really big thing to do that actually isn't that easy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always own my mistakes, there is no way to learn by not owning them. Thanks for the superb comments.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

After reading this post I could only but exclaim "wow!" I am delighted to see the apology and call for peace... It was barely a week when I joined blurt that this problem started and I made a post calling for peace.
Clearly from the comments of that post I understood it was better to maintain silence and only pray for peace someday. Today my joy is almost complete seeing that we can lay aside our indifference, pride and misunderstanding and apologies inorder to make peace and build blurt... I am loving blurt more and more. I pray this love continues and it will last. Together we can make blurt enviable for other platforms, together we can raise blurt up to the moon.. Long live blurt💪. Cheers