Shackled minds - Freemasons - part two of many

in news •  2 years ago  (edited)


Below is part one or the link to it.


I am writing this series on multiple platforms so some links may be hive, some blurt, some others.


If I may I will take you back down a worm hole, no silly not a rabbit hole, I invite you to part 2 of the matrix, and part 10 ish is why it is failing, and why it will fail 100% based on current events.

In part one we established the city of London is the same as Rome, a country within a country, within a city named greater London, a corporate entity at that.

Now we need the grid of con-trol and that started with Freemasons, (this topic lost me a follower on hive, but gave me one more on Blurt, interesting statistic to me at least).....

Blue doors.....

For on the ground first hand footage, and because I expect most people can not drop everything and go and look for themselves, I will offer up an old friend that is now departed, shame as he really was fully clued up.

All his videos available here

If you watch the video above and this next one you will save me many hours of typing, plus you get to see first hand the matrix that I will explain below, effort in = effort out.

upside down.jpg

United Grand Lodge of England (located in the square mile)....

The Freemason temple named UGLE on the surface appears to be a charitable institution, similar to Bill Gates and his foundation, but the former is for con-trol, the latter for useless Fiat monopoly money that Kill Bill thinks he can con-trol the world with via the WHO amongst other in-stitutions like the UN.

There are very few presidents or crime-ministers in the west, east or in "fact" the entire world that are not in a Freemason club that emanates from the 1 square mile and UGLE.

We know the 1 square mile makes it's own rules up based on blog part 1, we now know where the home of the network of alleged leaders comes from UGLE not the WEF.
If for a second you do not think they are all friends, all dress up in their Masonic gear together, think again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There are many societies within the "club"....

George Carlin stated, "it is a big club and we ain't in it"....
And he was correct.

The Queen of England is also a Freemason. You either get it or you do not.



I do have a prerequisite to followers of this series, you need to note the symbology they use.

As @frot says, it will be their downfall, but will it?

I shall use the USA as a prime example of Freemasons that were president, those that admitted it, but I suspect all were, including Trump as he likes to use the hands clasped together in oh so many photos, like they all do.





There were a total of 15 US Presidents that admitted to being Freemasons, and they are:

  • George Washington
  • James Monroe
  • Andrew Jackson
  • James K. Polk
  • James Buchanan
  • Andrew Johnson
  • James A. Garfield
  • William McKinley
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • William H. Taft
  • Warren G. Harding
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Harry S. Truman
  • Gerald R. Ford
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

Freemasons do not normally admit to being one, so 15 above did, imagine how many more there were then.????

So what do we know so far? The UGLE is based in the square mile that makes it's own rules & to open any Freemason society around the world you need to apply to them first.
Founding fathers in the USA "were" Freemasons and wrote the "con-stitution" that the White-house ignores.

But why? Why do they ignore the foundation that was laid? Because they made the rules, and still do today.


It would take me 60 hours or more to teach you all the signals, symbols they use, but they are everywhere, including where you live. Hands, Eyes, one eye, obelisks, pentacles, needles, paganism, triangles, add as many in the comment section below as you see fit.

Now we have a basis to expand upon, and I invite you to expand on this subject below, on every post I do too, together we inform each other, no 1 person is the font of all knowledge, together we are, divided we are not.

In part 3 I will further expand upon Washington DC and how it was designed as a masonic con-trol grid, why it was done on certain dates, and where matrix buildings are located within the city of London (1 square mile) that inter-con-ect underground to the USA and UK of spies via the American embassy at number 33.
By the by, they love numbers too, 13, 33, 66, 666 etc.

Have a superb day and enjoy the videos, there is enough info here to give you a day to digest, more tomorrow.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the information.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Only just getting started brother, your crime ministers will get a mention soon too.

OMG you knew that guy?!! He's dead?? I used to watch his walkabouts of London years ago. Used to love them!! OMG
It's late and I'm tired so am gonna save this epic post for tomorrow to give it my full attention as it looks very interesting.
Good work.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unsure if he is dead t/gal, urasoul thinks he went to Greece, unsure as I left the UK 9 years ago and only went back for 4 days 8 years ago.