Shackled minds - A roundup - Davos wet dream - GB news - Monkey see monkey do

in news •  2 years ago  (edited)

The hypocrites meeting named Davos.

A man with a private jet wants to track our carbon footprint.
This idea is a Chinese government wetdream, and any other country running the upcoming social credit scoring system with facial ID.

Of course it will not apply to those with yachts, jets and 10 mansions, oh no, only us plebs.
I would imagine this would (the app) require voluntary input, download and huge amounts of stupidity to do either of them.
Do you really think the jet-set will take part?
In the UK over 12 million suckers downloaded the track and trace app proving around 1/6th of the population there are stupid and like to be tracked, traced and told when to self imprison, sentencing their smart friends to the same fate via just talking to the stupid people.

The CEO of alibaba I dare say causes more pollution via his jet let alone his yacht; than that of a small island nation like Ireland. But - let us not even take into account the company he heads plus the billions of products they ship all around the globe, shut up already.

Sooooooooo the hypocrite meeting I note is not taking any notice of the monkey magic pox and all mingling with no worries, a bit like here.

I am happy to note Poland is not playing along with this latest slight of facts and everyone is carrying on as normal.
As I said to @norther-tracey earlier today, I only get to see the pox being spouted on facebollox via the presstitutes named GB news that allege they are for the people, yet push government misinformation like any alleged news site does.


This is the busiest time of the year for me.

As well as all the gardens, fields, grass cutting and barn n farm repairs, I am finishing a motorbike restoration, all are time intense and consuming. I am up at 4am most days and not in bed till 1am, so may not get time to write anything on here some days, so if I am AWOL it is not by choice, it is by time constraints.

And on that note I bid you a pleasant farewell for today, make it the best day you can.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep, one now has to disconnect any retard from one's phone - assuming one has a spyphone. You will be tracked by proxy.

Yeah, fine here - watching the plants grow!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You should have a great harvest over there bud.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

make it the best day you can.

Always 🙌🏻
And you my friend 💜 don't forget to slow down and smell the roses .

Like the yellow bike parts , very Kill Bill . . .hope you have the matching suit 😉

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did take an hour off today, it was nice to soak up some sun just for fun.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good for you! Makes all the difference.
How are you doing? With the grieving and all . . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is there no end to grieving ???????????????????
And it is raining, so you lot have me for an entire day, is that a good or bad thing lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is there no end to grieving ??????????????????

End? No, but there are different stages. . .and some of it are easier to hold.
You can always sit with his spirit and ask him to help shift the heaviness into love 🙏🏻

you lot have me for an entire day, is that a good or bad thing lol.

Can be either 😅 depending on how you using your time 🤪

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes we had a lot of Australians down load the track and trace app for convid 19🙄. Looks a motorbike sunk into the ground and I hope you get enough sleep with all the busy going on.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was burying it lol, stupid is as stupid does re apps, just got in for a bit of food, then back on the bike build.