This scenario always make me sad thinking that now a days, education is in the grasp of almost everybody and i was just like " i guess we are just educated but not well mannered individuals or maybe most of us just don't really care about environmental issues until we are the direct receiver of its brutal effect such as flooding and landslides.
Surely, i don't blame any of the government agencies on this matter. This problem is always a hand in hand dealing both with the government and us. Every individual plays a vital role on this regard. The government is doing its best possible solution, i hope let us all do also our part. May this post serves as a reminder to all of us to preserve and care for our mother nature, not just for us but for the sake of the next generation to come. Remenber of all the recent planets known to human kind, only our planet Earth has chocolate 🤣😉.
Abi nakog dre ra sa pinas mg ing ana asta mnsad diay ngara..😁
mga kabataan krn kulang na sa disiplina