Nature, the most wonderful gift we got

in nature •  last year 

Hello Blurt,

From my trip to Uttrakhand

Have you ever gone on a hike on a mountain, I have gone for a few such hikes and it is one of the most beautiful experiences one could have. You would experience inner peace and it will help clear your mind.

But I have started to notice people littering even those beautiful distant treks. It feels like we humans have lost it.

The most wonderful thing is Nature; we take it for granted now. We have completely forgotten the values of loving nature and respecting our environment.

First, we cut down forests, pollute rivers and air and now even the mountains, where will we stop? The amount of plastic waste in our oceans is shocking and it has created a huge problem of microplastics which eventually end up on our plates as well.

But, I don't feel it's too late to reverse the damages, we have the technology now but all we need is a clear mindset. We need to prioritise and set our goals clearly. Do we want our future generations to look down on us and wonder what we were doing? Destroying the planet for all greed.

But what is the solution? Well, first of all, we lack in the education system, all we focus on is how to make money whereas what we really need to learn is how to be responsible towards others and show love and respect to mother nature.

Sure we can take more about it, at least it helps to spread the message. It is a small step but is effective in realising the problem and forming any type of consensus towards a solution.

We should not wait for an institution or government to work on these issues alone, we need to do anything and everything on an individual basis. Ask yourself daily, what can you do about it and start doing that, one step at a time.

Loving nature and protecting our environment is of paramount importance and is essential for a good future for our planet. Nature is everyone's responsibility and we need to take care of that ourselves.

When I go on those hikes and treks, I carry an extra garbage bag and collect the plastic garbage that I see on the trails.

It ain't much, but it's honest work.

I got a special connection to a Neem tree during my childhood, we (me and my brother) used to spend so much time climbing up and down the tree, swinging from a swing and resting in its cool shadow in hot winter summers. It impacted me a lot and I never miss a chance to click pictures of trees whenever I went for nature walks.

From my trip to Uttrakhand

Thanks for reading...

All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.

~~ Until Next time ~~

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