Some summer colors and a story about my mini-arboretum

in nature •  3 years ago 

Summer passed quickly and winter came. The arboretum fell asleep until spring. Roses were covered, excess branches on bushes and trees were trimmed, borders from the host were cut off.
Silence and white snow, which lies on the paws of junipers and microbiota in bizarre hills.

The arboretum is beautiful from early spring to late autumn.
It's nice to go out into such beauty, take new photos and just relax mentally.
I walk around the arboretum at work every day. This is my brainchild and I am pleased to see how it is updated every day.
Today I again want to give you some moments from the mini-arboretum.
I created it from small seedlings of trees and bushes that were given to us from our forest nursery.
For three years we only watched the growth of our little pets, but then there was a violent growth and we had to do pruning.
And now some interesting woody plants from the arboretum.

Iwa Hakuro Nishiki
A very interesting plant for landscaping gardens. In early spring, its young shoots turn pink and it looks like the shrub is blooming.
This can only happen if you prune the entire bush in early spring.
This willow grows very quickly and after 5-6 years it is advisable to cut it almost at the root for new shoot growth.
Iwu Hakuro Nishiki can be shaped into balls, cubes and made into beautiful hedges. And of course, it looks beautiful with single plantings over the area of the arboretum.

We did not form one specimen of this willow, but made it like a creeping one. It turned out original. The willow seems to be extending its branches to you for greeting.

At the very beginning of the organization of the arboretum, on one of the sites, we planted a horizontal cotoneaster and a Cossack juniper.
Everything was so small that it was written to decorate with flowers. We planted hosts, irises, lavender. But the plot was also sown with self-sowing - sour cherry and horned violet. Here is such a beauty and it turned out.
The shrubs have intertwined and occupied the corresponding area, and the flowers make their way among their branches and also decorate the space.
Such compositions not only look original, but there is very little care for them. So we admire the beauty until late autumn.

I love green grassy borders.

In addition to the host, I also use tradescantia. Now it looks original like this with such bushes, but then it will bloom all summer with delicate lilac flowers.
Tradescantia loves shady places where it may not close its flowers until almost mid-day. This plant grows quickly and can be divided for other plantings after two years. Decorative until late autumn.

To make less maintenance work, the entire strip with Tradescantia was decorated with planting sedum.

Wild budra settled in stonecrop. While sedum does not bloom, blue budra flowers complement it perfectly.
If the seeds of wild flowers have arrived in your garden, then do not try to destroy them. Just imagine that these plants are also grown in gardens somewhere and are considered rare representatives of the flora. This knowledge about plants mentally decorates your gardens and arboretums. You should always know that all flowers and plants are beautiful and they have their own distribution area. Only something we sit in flower catalogs, and something just grows in the wild.

And here are the curbs from the hosts. Beautiful all season, especially when it blooms. And I will show you this too in time.
When the arboretum was being created, and this was after the new building of the forestry office was built, we transported several bushes, huge bushes, and retro varieties of hosts from the old place of work. We divided these bushes into single cuttings and planted about 30-35 meters of a live green border. Every year the green mass grew, the bushes increased in size and this is such a beauty.

In our strip for the holiday on May 9, bird cherry and tulip London (retro variety) blooms. The bouquets of this tandem are simply wonderful.
But there is another type of bird cherry - this is Virginia.
The tree is slender, with strong branches and a huge number of inflorescences. In terms of aroma, it is inferior to the common bird cherry, but the decorative qualities are at a high level.
By the way, the Bronzovka beetles really like the white inflorescences of this bird cherry.

After the common lilac fades, Hungarian lilac begins to bloom to replace it. Soon the air will fill with its aroma and it will be possible to stay near the bush for a long time.
The inflorescences of Hungarian lilacs are very reminiscent of David Butterfly's Buddley. They are not so fragrant and attract no one except beetles, but with a beautiful lilac spot it fits into the landscape of the arboretum.

Small trees and bushes in a few years become just giants of the arboretum and now the most beautiful moment comes. You can arm yourself with a pruner and start cutting.
Slightly equalize the thuja branches, stop the microbiota and junipers in growth for greater doubleness of the long green creeping branches.
The site takes on a complete look and you can enjoy watching the fruits of your activities.
OK it's all over Now. Until next time!

I was with you @lika0812

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