[#12] Silence, Tolerance and Nature🌄

in nature •  10 months ago 

I took this photo 'cause this view just brought so much peace within and an increased admiration for nature, which then, led me to a realization - that nature is simply silent and tolerant... and it has always been. It has always practiced silence each time we tend not to take good care of it. Tolerant, for it just lets us do whatever we want to do with it. No ifs, no buts. Yet, what we humans forget is that, it also has its own way of teaching us a lesson and I think we are experiencing that ''payback time'' nowadays.

We are now in the modern world where globalization is the main topic. May these modern techniques and equipment, which aim to make our lives more comfortable, also help the physical world rebuild what has been lost and heal what has been damaged before it's too late.

We don't call nature "Mother Nature" for nothing. SHE should be loved and protected, for just like any mother, she also deserves to be treated this way. That's why, we better shape up and man up to our negligence and abuses toward the environment. Let's help save our planet. It's the only one we got.


"The silence of nature speaks louder than any words." (Thena Franssen)


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