Tagates Erecta: Flower Plants Are Effective In Treating colds And Flatulence

in naturalmedicine •  3 years ago 


Chicken dung flower or in Acehnese language called golden flower, is a type of ornamental plant that has health benefits. In Latin the flower u i is called Tagetes Erecta.

Another name for the tagetes erecta plant is Marigold. In addition, in some countries, this plant also has special designations, such as Big Margold in England, Amarello (Philippines).

Unlike in Indonesia, this plant has other names Kenikir, Kotok Dung, Chicken Dung Flower, and Randa Kendana. This kenikir flower display is large in various colors, such as yellow, white, orange, red to golden yellow. Lots of different colors and shapes. If planted in large quantities, it will look very beautiful.


Benefits for health

Besides being very beautiful, this flower has health benefits. There is a myth that says that this flower is able to cast out demons or heal people who are possessed by evil spirits.

I don't know if it's really effective or not, because I never tried it. But from my experience as a child, my mother used this flower leaf for gas or cold medicine, and it really worked. Even my mother planted a lot of these flowers in the yard of the house, because apart from being beautiful, these flowers can also be used as medicine.

Often times my mother uses this flower leaf to cure stomach ailments due to colds. This flower works effectively, in a matter of minutes the pain is gone.


Serving method

For how to serve it very easily, we don't need to cook or boil it to become medicine, just take a few stalks of this flower, place it on the palm, then add a little whiting. You have to pay attention to this, add just a little, because too much will harm the skin.

Because the effect of whiting is hot and can make your skin peel like burning. You only need to give whiting the size of a corn grain. Then add a few drops of water, then rub with both palms until you complain of water from the leaves.


The leaves of this flower do have a slightly pungent smell, especially if they are mixed with whiting. But it's really potent and very natural. As long as you don't collect too much whiting. Its use is very easy, apply the water to the leaves of the flower with your palms on the abdomen in a circle, don't get it into the navel area.

You only need to apply it in the navel area only. It will feel cold, I think it's like using eucalyptus oil, and it really works. You have to Try It.

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