Benefits Of River Eel For Male Strength And To Enlarge Mr.P

in naturalmedicine •  3 years ago 


Eel is a type of fish that lives in the sea and in fresh water. This eel is very much like an eel and has a long body shape. However, there are some differences between the two. In Latin, this river eel is called Anguilla rostrata. There are actually many types of eels, but the eels that we are discussing are river eels or those that live in fresh water.


I found this herbal medicinal herb in one of my grandfather's collection of herbal medicine books. I love reading it, and it's very unique and interesting. In health science, river eel is believed to have many benefits. As I have read in several articles that say that Japanese people really like this type of eel fish culinary.


Where I live, Aceh. People really like this beneficial eel. I myself really like this type of fish. Usually every weekend we go to the river for fishing eel, But now eels are a little scarce because they are constantly being hunted. In addition, this fish is very expensive, for a size of 1kg / 2kg only, the price reaches 10-15 dollars, even more. It depends on the size of the fish, because the bigger the fish, the better the taste.


This river eel can be enjoyed by grilling, frying, or cooking with your favorite dishes. However, to get the benefits and increase the stamina of men, this fish should be consumed simply by grilling it.


But to enlarge Mr. P uses this fish eel, the method is a little different, that's according to my grandfather's legacy that I've read.
Here I will explain in detail how the process of making penis enlargement herbal ingredients from river eel fish and several other ingredients.


Materials needed to mix Mr P's enlargement ingredients:

  • The main material we need is the head of the river eel.

  • The next ingredient is green coconut oil, or you can use real olive oil.

  • Original leech oil without mixture. It is common knowledge that leech oil can enlarge the penis.

Those are some of the ingredients we need to mix this concoction. But unfortunately I don't have the complete picture because I'm not concocting it. I only have photos of river eels caught a few weeks ago.
Alright, now we will discuss the manufacturing process.

Making process:

  • The first step, burn the eel's head until it is charred or becomes charcoal. Then mix until smooth and look like flour.

  • Then mix the eel's head powder with green coconut oil or olive oil. Put it in a glass bottle.

  • Then add leech oil. If you don't have one already, you can make it yourself if you have leeches at home. The trick is to take a few leeches and then put them in a glass bottle. You can hang it in the sun or heat it up The leech releases oil from its body.

  • After these three even are mixed, then shake the bottle so that all the ingredients are well mixed.

How to use:

  • Wash Mr's area. P with warm water. So that the nerves are more active.

  • Then apply the mixture on the shaft of your penis evenly.

  • Do the massage for about 30 minutes, so that the ingredients are absorbed.

  • You can do this every night at bedtime. Do this for one to two weeks, you will see the results. Although I have never tried it, many parents have said that this herb works very well.


About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. Some of my writings are "Hantu Kojet, Rencong Terakhir", and a collection of poems "Sajak Kekasih". Besides that I am a community founder, such as; FOKUS and KOPI HITAM. This is a community that focuses on the education of minors. I am also part of the humanitarian community, namely BMU, KSL and several other communities. this is a community of young people who care about education and humanity.
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

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