Sometimes, natural medicine surprises even me.

in natural-medicine •  2 years ago  (edited)

Tuesday afternoon, I was working at the homestead, and while unloading the truck; I stress fractured the bone supporting my right pinkie finger!

When I got home, my hand was swelling, and I couldn't move my pinkie finger. The pain was bad enough that I couldn't sleep. It was late enough, that I decided to medicate it myself with herbals, and see the doctor the next day.

So I put a wet pad of comfrey tincture on it:
This is the tincture in a roller bottle.

After applying it I also sealed it so it wouldn't dry out. This is called a fomentation, and is similar to a poltice.

Comfrey contains a compound called Allentoin, which draws in haluronic acid; which is the mortar the body uses to hold cells together! This causes the body to heal ten times faster than normal.

On Wednesday, most of the pain was gone; and I decided to avoid the extra doctor's visit. Wendesday night I added another fomentation, assuming simple muscle damage.

Today I found my finger was working again, and the pain was 90% better!

With careful inspection, I found a knit line on the long bone where the stress (green stick) fracture occurred. The area is still tender, but it is mostly healed, after Two days!

After these two days, the outer edge of my hand is quite brown stained (not a bruise):
As you can see, the swelling is gone, under the brown!

Here was my surprise, knowing that comfrey is a healing accelerator, that used to be called knit bone; I didn't expect that much healing in two days! When I did the math, two days under comfrey tincture is the same as three weeks of normal healing.

I plan to do another couple of days on fomentation, to fully heal the bone in question! I admit, it surprised me by working so fast.

This should be in Every prepping or homestead first aid kit! It does an amazing job on bones. It's also good for rattlesnake bites, brown spider bites, and hobo spider bites!

It's a great add to any first-aid kit, especially when the system collapse happens, which is bound to occurr! It will be awfully good to have at that time....

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Wow that's pretty cool. Would be a good idea to be able to identify comfrey too. Maybe plant some on the homestead. I bet your planning an herb garden anyway. It's amazing how nature provides. This is really incredible. 😋

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I bought Russian comfrey roots several years ago. Planted most on the homestead, but I gave some to my Sister. The deer are mine, but she has beautiful plants I can get more roots from.

I do have seeds for all the herbs we use, and some we might need. Got lots to plant, but won't work until I can keep the deer off the new plants!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I still have some of that batch you sent me. I love the stuff for any kind of injury. It sure does work!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One of my go to herbals! Glad it's helping you.

My broken finger is just a little tender after 3 days of comfrey assisted healing! It continues to impress me....

Be blessed! 👍🤠😁🙏💗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL... check your email. I just sent you an email saying how much it helps with my neuropathy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always look forward to your email, but I have no doubt it helped repaire your neuropathy!

Comfrey is one herbal that I can't do without! I drink comfrey tea daily, to protect me from stomach ulcers!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Impressive 🙌🏻 gotta get myself some of that 🙏🏻💗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It should be in every first aid kit! This hand went from broken, stiff, and swolen; to fully functional in three days! That will significantly improve your survival chances, if you break something in a survival situation!

Stay healthy! 🤠👍😁

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

EVERYONE should have comfrey in their gardens and first aid kits! Long time no see, @smithlabs!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to be here, still on steemit and hive; but much more active here!

Yes comfrey (wound healing), Arnica(pain control), and lavender(for burns); are in all my kits. I'm making the first two, but I do need a still for make it ng the last one.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh how do you do the arnica? Do you grow it? Arnica tablets for pain work brilliantly, better than conventional anti inflammatory in my opinion..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I make liniment, by soaking the flowers in alcohol. 50% if the flowers are dry, and 70% if fresh, for several months. When it darkens, it's ready; but the longer the flowers soak, the stronger the liniment becomes! I use isopropyl, for external use, because Arnica internally can cause tachycardia; according to the books, and it works well using external applications.

I get my arnica flowers from I've no affiliation with them beyond being a satisfied customer.

Stay safe, and learn something new every day!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Amazing. I think I will have to order some!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They have lots of herbs, I always buy over $100 worth, to get free shipping.

Herbs are fascinating, and there's always something new to study. 🌿🌿


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm in Australia so I have to choose a closer supplier! But yes, I know, there's always something to learn! Same with fungi!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's sure true, everyday is a new learning experience!

I like down under, and I'm sure there are herb suppliers there! You might even find some seeds....

Fungus is a huge field I'm studying right to now. I plan to look for morel mushrooms soon, since this is the time here; and they are tasty!

I found some turkey tail polypore mushrooms recently, and plan to tincture them for medicine.

You can see why they are called turkey tail, LOL!

Be blessed, and keep on prepping!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm going out soon to look for Morello mushrooms. This is the time of year to find them wild, and they taste amazing! There is a lot of medicine in mushrooms!

Turkey tail mushroom 🍄 mushrooms

Comfrey has other magical properties in the organic garden too. This reminds me I must sow those seeds. Thanx. Excellent post.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It has, making a tea by soaking the leaves is a powerful organic fertilizer. 🌿🌿🌿


yes true, same goes for nettles.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I love stinging nettle! It is one of my favorites, and I use it for a lot of problems. It makes a great herbal tea too!


True, tried nettle tea from my garden last year and it was so energizing. Am defo gonna try some soup or maybe an old Irish recipe 'culcannon' with nettle instead of cabbage maybe. I'll defo post the recipe if it works.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Stinging nettle is a high nutrition plant, that makes great food! You'll love it....🌿🌿🌿🌿

I'll look forward to your recipe!😁
