Early morning birdwatching

in natrure •  2 years ago 

I was off to the wetlands for an early morning ride.


I arrived at the wetlands and started to look for birds. Soon, I found a spoonbill with a clam in its beak.


Soon another came around to see if the first would share. These are like flamingos except that they are not pink and their bills are spoon shaped.


These birds can fly but when going short distance they just pull their legs off the bottom and dance across the floating foliage.

He was back at his lonesome, trying to eat the clam he found.


The first was not willing to share. Maybe because you cannot cut a clam in half with a beak. So the first one took off, flapping and running at the same time.


But here comes the moocher to try again. I guess it is easier to bother a friend than to swish you own beak in the water to feel around for a meal.


Here is a different bird that has huge claws that distribute its weight over the top of the plants. Floating plants seem to be able to hold her up. I say "her" because the males usually have some red feathers on the top of their heads.




Then we have the majestic hawk who chooses to stay away from the wall. I only spotted him because I know his hangout spot.


I heard the familiar squawks from behind me and saw eight wild parrots all foraging on the tiles. I got on my wheel and headed toward them with my phone on zoom. I have seem parrots here many times, usually very camera shy, but they still amaze me. They are a different animal when they can jet up to the tree tops when spooked.

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I took a video from this point on including the elusive anhinga who turns submarine to dart through the water after fish and other prey. one comes up from under water flying at 1:30 (lower left of the video) and a half a dozen other anhinga watch in the background. I am glad to be mobile again, though I will be getting my s18 fixed this month. Hard to get anything done when every shop closes for two weeks for vacation time.


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