
in nano •  3 years ago 

YouTube deleted over a MILLION VIDEOS in 2021 showing people DYING FROM cookie poke.

After putting the jab in children, they only follow-up for 3 months, talk about young guinea-pigs.

Virtual reality is abducting people a lot faster than aliens could.

Why is the United Nations governing YouTube?

Why are they suddenly saying everywhere children can have heart attacks too?

Why does Facebook ban what they show children in school?

AT&T is teaching their staff via mandatory training, brain-washing, "WHITE PEOPLE BAD."

NWO create problems and then pose as the saviors.


They are putting NANO-ENTITIES into the entire food supply. World Economic Forum said our food supply will be disrupted and that we must have nanomaterial integration.



My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Witness Promotion

Logic Zombie Top 30 Hive Witness List

Top Eight NBA Basketball Players According to a 13 year old or however old I was when I made this.

The 1940s was the Rise of the Palpatine


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Screenshot at 2021-10-29 14:12:08 There are NANO PARTICLES IN YOUR FOOD AND DRINKS RIGHT NOW..png


Oatmeal Daily - 2021-10-29 - Friday | Published in October of 2021

Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking World News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies is a revolutionary act | Free World News TV | Check out these videos | Brighteon News | Geeks + Gamers

01:27 AM
I live on the stage. I belong on the stage and have known that for almost 30 years. I live in pain all of the time not being up there all of the time. But life is life. Don't force things. Don't be lazy. But don't force things. Don't try too hard. Don't tryu too little.

Covid can be killed.
But Covid Vaccines are killing people | Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

Are dinosaurs and dragons real?

12:08 PM - Facebook

it is more a question of which bones are real, which bones are fake, where do which bones go...... because they can mix bones up where they do not belong... people can take and remove real bones and mix them among fake bones and then make up animals, creatures, dinosaurs, dragons, reptiles, etc.... some of the bones may come from large animals.... some of the bones can come from giants.... but without putting the DNA into computers to try to guess what they looked like.... it can be very hard to know which bones real, which bones are fake.... which bones belong where.

What are dragons?

12:11 pm - Facebook

Charlie May, same thing can be said of other types of large reptiles, in the same way you investigate giants in old books, you will also find information and drawings of these creatures in really old books including places in Europe several centuries ago.

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List of my Favorite Websites

Life in Vietnam

12:59 PM - Ecency

So, is this near Da Nang? I think Da Nang is near the center of Vietnam. I was in the north and south of Viet Nam. I've not been to Da Nang but I was in some villages for Tet. I love Tet. I am sharing your post here. I love the photos. I love Vietnam. I find your charity trip interesting. It reminds me of some of the things I did in Vietnam. It reminds me of some of the people I met in Vietnam.

Learning English With Oatmeal.
This community or club is all about learning and teaching the English language. It includes reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, etymology, debate, etc.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.


01:16 PM - Ecency

Yes. Many NBA players are black. What did Larry Bird say? Larry played against Michael Jordan who some describe as God. Well, at least the god of basketball is Mike according to even Magic Johnson.

Exploring Health with Oatmeal.
This club is all about pursuing wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, correction, studies, research, ideas, etc.

01:27 PM
Blocktrades has a good website which I used to send money to Bitcoin. Why would I not support that?

01:53 PM
I am not against larger accounts. But I was concerned when I felt I was unfairly put on blacklists on Steemit and Hive. Some of my posts were downvoted, my REP score went down a few points a few times since I've joined in 2017. I'm trying to be neutral in this debate. For example, Logic mentioned Block Trades who has a website I've used for buying Bitcoin with. So, I'm not sure if I should not support a website like that.

I think the Block Trades website is useful. On one hand, I may want to support accounts relating to projects I prefer the most including Block Trades, Hive, Ecency, Peakd, Leo Finance, 3Speak, Hive Vote, etc.

But on the other hand, if some accounts are supporting downvote trails, that is where my concern lies to a degree. I can imagine that downvoting and flagging can and could and might do some good in countering spam, hate speech, plagiarism, repetition, redundancy, excess, viruses, bad things perhaps, etc, etc. I'm trying to be neutral in the debate. I understand the arguments regarding what you said, the anti-abuse initiatives.

But where do you draw the line between accounts which might be too big and too small? Accounts are always growing and shrinking. So, I try not to look at the size of the dog in the fight but more so in the size of the fight in the dog to quote Michael Jordan. Absolute power corrupts. The bigger people and corporations get, then that is when the problems can arise. There is a higher potential for abuse of power within centralization of rising power and control. So, choosing not to support larger accounts is a counteraction against that. You said you agree with not supporting larger accounts.

I somewhat agree with that to an extent. But at the same time, if I like an account, if I believe in an account, if I trust an account, a person, a company, etc, then I may support them regardless of how big.

I guess, I will have to take it on a case by case basis.

Right now, I am looking at the 30 witnesses I voted for. I may be changing some of my votes soon. I tend to focus on voting on who I like as opposed to focusing too much on who not to vote for.

How do we get nano entities out of our bodies?

02:21 PM - Facebook

Ali Foxlair, sounds like a good place to start. I've used Borax when washing clothes. I wonder if it is similar to baking soda.

02:35 PM
Vickie Albertson, yeah, this Pope Francis may be the first Jesuit Pope we have ever had or at least the first one in the past century or longer. The Pope is either on the top of the pyramid or very close to the top underneath black nobility, Rothschild, Rockefeller, and/or other big family empires, China, key central world banks, some of the larger corporations, wall street, big tech, Big Pharma, big science, big school, big politics, big this, big that, organizations, groups, clubs, religions, secret societies, Luciferianism, some of the bad aspects of the Freemasons, Catholicism, Islam, etc. Well, to be clear, I guess the Pope is not under all of these things I'm mentioning. I am being wordy and I think I ended up describing the entire pyramid or close to it as opposed to only focusing on the very top of the NWO power structure.

02:40 PM
Sarah Anneliese, that is good and I use Magnesium instead of Aspirin. I do take vitamin E daily.

Regarding Home School

03:01 PM - Facebook

When I was homeschooled, I was able to go at my own pace. Traditional schooling has a lot of waste of space, that is of time. School can go too slow and too fast at times. But people are so used to it. Sometimes, kids need time to figure things out. And other times, a kid can be extremely excited about a particular subject, AKA like a school version of a hobby or I mean CAREER. If you do what you love and love what you do, then it is not work and it is especially not school work or home work.


So, a kid could do a whole lot of work in the course of a single day or a single month. So, like consecutive hours of work is no problem sometimes. And sometimes even a few minutes may not pass into long-term memory.


Government school (AKA public school) can help kids learn some discipline but at what cost? I would argue that kids can learn how to be on time for classes, work, meetings, projects, meals, via other means.


And school should generally be more focused on vocational training.


And school should approach everything from the perspective of the career. And I know some teachers and some classes can approach education from that kind of practical perspective.


I would say every class a kid takes needs to be an elective meaning kids and parents and perhaps others should be able to pick freely which classes to take and which not to take like you would karate lessons at a karate place or swimming lessons at the local pool.


Classes should not necessarily be restricted to age groups. A kid should have the freedom to take one class at a public school for a few months or stop at any time. Maybe take another class at a private school for a week or any length of time. Maybe take some classes at home, a home near them, a private tutor, a club, a church, online.


Instead of build-a-bear, it should be build-a-kid.


Parents end up settling for only public school because it requires less thinking and less visits from the evil Child Protective Services (CPS).

Not Required

School should not be required. It should be something people choose to do in the same way people choose college. And even older people go back to college when they are old. Education should not be too focused on age groups or on specific schedules.


05:43 PM - Facebook

Sarah Anneliese, I agree with the power frequencies have, that is why they changed the frequency of music long ago to damage humans globally.

05:44 PM
You almost look like Scarlett Johansson or the star blond on Big Sky.

Post Approval Locked On

05:57 PM - Facebook

Facebook locked post approvals on meaning posts cannot be published until admins approve them. One way around this is in making more people admins and mods. I encourage admins to add additional admins, mods. If you want to be an admin, please comment with yes.


06:17 PM
Members are banned from automatically approved posting until the 28th of November, 2021. To get around this, I could turn more members into admins. Because admins can automatically post. Wanna be an admin?

06:21 PM
Do you want to be an admin, AKA be able to automatically post without being required to wait for post approval?

06:33 PM
This group may go down like the Titanic ship because Facebook is a big iceberg.


Therefore, I encourage to make and join Titanic Life Boats, AKA groups, pages, profiles, accounts, channels, communities, hubs, clubs, teams, etc, etc, on Facebook, Gab, Hive, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, forums, your own websites, email, other places, other things, phone numbers, gatherings in real life, etc, etc, etc.


I encourage you to do it now while you still can and feel free to link to them here. Let us know what you guys are doing. Don't regret missing out on the opportunities to make connections with like-minded folks.


Now is the time, you are not promised a tomorrow. You are here right now for now. Form backup plans and please share your groups and everything here as a way to continue on even if this particular group is ever shutdown by the meta tyrants and overlords who are trying to take over reality itself.

07:21 PM
If I made a Discord version of this group, would you join it?

08:24 PM
Is it better to hold Hive Power (HP) or to keep money in savings? I mean, how does the 10% APR gained in savings compare to however much you might earn via having it in HP? I was always told SP and now HP is better. The logic is more HP means you can vote at a higher weight and therefore make more and more as opposed to a fixed 10% via savings. I still hold to the belief that HP is probably better as long as you are actively upvoting and accumulating HP on a daily basis. Inactive accounts would probably make more money having money sitting in the savings.

08:36 PM
Add to the list for alternative blog blockchain sites Voice Talk, AKA Voilk:

08:48 PM
Problem with secret votes is people can lie about how many votes they got like Biden did in 2020 by saying Biden got 81 million votes when in reality Biden probably got less than 40 million real votes in 2020. The Internet is generally not private meaning even hypothetically private stuff on the world wide web are read by the CIA and other agencies from different countries among other things too. Too often, they will do things with your private information. It is better to be standing up on top of a hill in the public so everyone can see when the bullies come to punch you in the face. If you try to go in the corner to do things in private, then you could be murdered in quiet and nobody will know. The Internet is not private and it is very hard to make it private. Even when something is said to be private, it may not be private enough. Because there are too many prism programs embedded in computer servers, data centers, the real backbone aspects of the Internet. Crazy people are able to blackmail people, etc.

08:55 PM
If an account was not copied from Steem to Hive, said account could try to transfer the money to a new account on Hive via a third party. So, for those who had their accounts copied, carried over, or forked in other words, they are in a way getting double the money which is kind of like inflation and not technically inflation. But I am not sure my thoughts on it. I like the extra money but at the same time don't like diluting the value money can have.

10:31 PM
Whether or not something can be broadcast may depend at least partly on who owns the court building and then there is the matter of how the laws of man can sometimes violate natural law and such. But regardless of reality, loopholes, etc, I understand that some judges might be too corrupt and the accumulation and acceleration of excessive laws, codes, etc. In reality, the trials can be recorded. But they lie and say it can't because of this thing and that thing. I would probably record it. But then it becomes a question of when to broadcast it.

It also depends on which hill you are willing to die on kind of thing, pick your battles, so it might be better to let this particular issue slide. But I guess it depends. But if I felt that broadcasting the trial to the world would make a big enough difference in the world, I might do it even in the face of death. But I would argue that it was technically legal from the standpoint of natural law and I would probably connect it to the Nuremberg Code and how it is regarding international matters.

That is the tricky thing about law, especially when it comes to the Internet. Facebook is international meaning it cannot be contained to one jurisdiction and therefore the laws of Australia cannot be applied as it is dealing with an entity that is global. When Australia withholds the trial from the world, they are therefore interfering with the affairs of different countries. If the United Nations wasn't so corrupt, I'd present all of that to them. But I know the UN is pretty evil despite having a good cover story regarding trying to help the world.

But long story short, I have strong opinions when it comes to international matters like Facebook which Australia tries to jump on top of. But Australia cannot monopolies and hide something like that. I wish I could emphasize on the understanding of legal jurisdictions and how Australia is clearly out of their jurisdiction. But I know this kind of thing is not new. But this is a kind of thing that deserves more attention.

10:37 PM
The CIA and other agencies have spy systems which has the ability to monitor and save things meaning if it is connected to the Internet, then it is being recorded and saved by governmental agencies like the CIA and others. And it is an international issue. Meaning if they say you can't record it, that has no meaning because it is being recorded. So, it is like saying do not put water in the cup, but there is water in the cup. And if you accidentally put a drop of water in that cup, it would be insane for them to get mad at you because there was already water in the cup.

11:14 PM
Way around search limits is this, use keywords via external search engines like Yandex: https://yandex.com

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Lost Symbol 101

2021-10-29 - Friday - 01:36 AM - 02:17 AM - The Lost Symbol 101

Interesting a little. Some fake news at the beginning possibly as it looked at the don't tread on me snake symbol and the ok symbol. Seems like an attack on freedom lovers. I think goes over the same story found in Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and as seen portrayed by Tom Hanks. This follows the early adventures of famed Harvard symbolist Robert Langdon, who finds himself pulled into a series of deadly puzzles when his mentor is kidnapped. The CIA forces him onto a task force where he uncovers a chilling conspiracy. Under White House or capitol. I think it is the capitol in DC. Tom not Tom, the Mexican cop, and the female CIA agent go on a hunt in the basement down a tunnel. They go into a wall to grab something. They run out right as the tunnel walls closes in like they did in Star Wars: A New Hope as seen in the trash compactor. The CIA agent looks Chinese. Makes sense as China is taking over America in a bad way.

Apple - Invasion 101

2021-10-29 - Friday - 02:17 AM - 02:45 AM - Apple - Invasion 101

Apple show. All around the world stuff happens. Japan. America. Europe. Asia. They see stuff. Show is slow. Most Apple shows are slow. Part of is it in Japanese. People are bleeding. In the show, related to aliens. CDC mentioned. In reality, blood coming out of noses and such are caused by Covid Vaccines which are killing people.

Chucky 102

2021-10-29 - Friday - 02:45 AM - 03:29 AM - Chucky 102

1965 Halloween flashback. He comes back to school. He talks to people. Chucky killed the maid, Annie, via the dishwasher knives. Girl draws Chucky. Scary. Friends to the end. Wanna play? Chucky goes trick or treating wearing a Hello Kitty mask. Some people deserve to die said Chucky. Grace versus justice.

Chucky 103

2021-10-29 - Friday - 03:29 AM - 04:18 AM - Chucky 103

His cousin is easily freaked out. Good cover. Girl watching West World. Chucky goes to the girl's house. Chucky is a man who likes to hang out with children. He is a pedo. A good night song, don't fear the reaper. When Chucky was a boy, there was a robber who came into the house and stabbed his dad to death. So, Chucky went on to stab people likewise. Chucky as a kid killed his own mom in the closet to help the killer who killed his dad. The killer then taught him how to clean his blade to cover his tracks. So, the character arch of Chucky, I mean Charles, is that of an evil psychopath or sociopath. He died in 1988 but went on to live inside dolls. So, 1988 is when the first Child's Play movie came out. So, fast forward to the present. He is at the house. The girl is his cover. Older sister sings to her and tucks her and Chucky in. But Chucky uses his knife to escape the bed since he was tucked in so well. He goes after her. Well, she is like smoking pot or something. It ends up catching the house on fire as Chucky tries to kill her. Meanwhile her friends are downstairs dancing and singing with headphones on blind and oblivious to all of this. Meanwhile, the young man is at the cemetery to see his mom. It is near where Charles was buried.

12:15 PM
And We Know - Episode 1545 Scott Adams: Let's Talk About AT&T Going Full Racist, Facebook Name Change, Lots More

Meta means dead.

Virtual reality is abducting people a lot faster than aliens could.

Scott Adams presented a situation. Imagine going into the metaverse. Imagine finding a metaverse within the metaverse. You would likely then ponder if the real world was also a metaverse or virtual reality. Imagine living in a dream within a dream within a dream. There have been movies and shows about this such as Simpsons, Rick & Morty, etc.

12:31 PM

YouTube deleted over a MILLION VIDEOS in 2021 showing people DYING FROM cookie poke.

Why is the United Nations governing YouTube?

Why are they suddenly saying everywhere children can have heart attacks too?

Why does Facebook ban what they show children in school?

01:08 PM
Step one, make people sick. Step two, sell them the FACEBOOK METAVERSE MATRIX VIRTUAL REALITY which will feel a lot better than our sick sick sick bodies.

Lesbian dating sites have open borders just like America does.



01:30 PM

NWO create problems and then pose as the saviors.


01:53 PM
They are putting NANO-ENTITIES into the entire food supply.

World Economic Forum said our food supply will be disrupted and that we must have nanomaterial integration.

What are nano-entities?



Now I know how Noah felt.


Why was Pope so happy to see Biden and so angry to see Trump?

How do we get nano entities out of our bodies?

AT&T is teaching their staff via mandatory training, brain-washing, "WHITE PEOPLE BAD."

After putting the jab in children, they only follow-up for 3 months, talk about young guinea-pigs.

03:12 PM

05:41 PM

06:52 PM
Nerdrotic - Friday Night Tights - The Eternals is DOOMED - Friday Night Tights with The Critical Drinker and MauLer

Star Trek officer Gary
Magario Jeremy Geeks + Gamers
Supervisor AZ
Ryan as Alec Baldwin Cowboy
Wanted bullets
Wookie Odin
Quarter black widow spider

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing.
Dear diary,
I got up at 11:25 AM. Imagine if the Simpsons had their own puppet show that was like the Muppets. Bart Simpson is acting like Elmo in my dream. There is the live portion where they have a band and they sing and dance and do funny things in front of a live audience. But it goes back and forth between the live part and little segments they have which are not live which are more serious. The live stuff is more silly to get the crowd going. Repetition. Breakfast, 11:42 AM. Dishes. Tomatoes on the ground. Sweep front sidewalk. Recycling. Oh, they're empty. Trash can. Recycling can. Normal chores today in the afternoon. Not raining. Some clouds. Some sunshine on the tomatoes. I am always looking at the tomatoes. Lunch around noon to 1. More chores like that on and off. Organizing garden shed, put items in plastic containers to derail mice who crawl on up over the wall, the cap under the ceiling and roof. Dishes. Mom commenting on shows she watches. She says she watches TV to get a window into how people think. She commented on the conclusion of Good Doctor. I mentioned this the other day, a sign saying a doctor at that hospital has autism. But a girl told him and told others she wanted him because of the autism or because as she put it, he is different. So, he decided not to continue trying to get the billboard taken down. Anarchy. Terms. General. Different meanings. Cops. Shows. Dinner, 05:40 PM.
Food log
Breakfast: orange, coffee, 11:42 AM.
Lunch: deer meat, potatoes, stew, 12:20 PM. Salmon with eggs.
Dinner: rice soup stuff, 05:40 PM.
You can find my blogs hosted and mirrored on different websites. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on Ecency, then PeakD and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into Ecency links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via Ecency. PeakD did this too but not any more last time I checked. Also, Hive Blog does not do it either. Currently, I'm only seeing Ecency change PeakD and Hive Blog links into Ecency links. But there may be others that do it too. Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc. My Oatmeal Daily posts can be found via different websites on the Internet. For example, here is a list of a few of those places as follows:
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck. Are some of the links not working? If some of my links don't work, it's probably because I've not written or published those pages, posts, etc, etc, yet. Yeah. Not yet maybe. Still working on it. Think of it like a website that is under construction. But a really big website. I literally include links to future articles and much more, to be continued as always. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, web-pages, websites, URL links, which I've not written yet or have not published online yet. But you can also try swapping out the domain name part of the link with a different one. For example, the domain I'm currently focused on (as of 2020) is Hive . blog. That is not case-sensitive meaning it can be hIVe . blog or HivE . BLoG. In other words, it doesn't matter which letters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). Also, the domain has no spaces in it, meaning hive . blog becomes hive.blog. Depending on the website, following the domain can be the username. So, in this case, it's forward-slash at (@) username. My username is joeyarnoldvn. Some websites skips that at symbol part (generally if they're not a blockchain-style site, they skip the at symbol part in the URL) and goes directly to the username. Some websites may include the web-page section of the link first followed by the domain name. With Hive Blog, it begins with Hive.blog, it follows with the username, and then it ends with the web-page link or section which is generated based off the title of the post. So, if my link doesn't work, try swapping out hive.blog for example peakd . com or ecency . com or steemit . com or you can try other domain names and websites and pages and URLs and sites and links and hyperlinks and everything and anything else you can imagine too, as well. You can also try googling or searching via Duck Duck Go, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, Google, other search engines, the title of the post in quotation marks, add a space followed with a plus-sign (+), add another space followed with my username in quotation marks. If that doesn't work, you can remove the quotation marks and try other keywords and combinations therein. Be creative and try many different search engines and different domain names. Also, feel free to host, mirror, copy, paste, download, steal, share, etc, any of my posts, videos, photos, memes, articles, links, anything that I publish, post, share, upload, etc.

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