My Flower Photography # 437

in myflowerphotography •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurtters,
Today I’m going to share you five photos of beautiful Turnera Subulata flowers (Bunga Pukul Delapan) that I took using the camera of a smartphone. Hope you like it.







Turnera subulata is a species of flowering plant in the passionflower family known by the common names white buttercup, sulphur alder, politician's flower, dark-eyed turnera, and white alder. Despite its names, it is not related to the buttercups or the alders. It is native to Central and South America, from Panama south to Brazil. It is well known in many other places as an introduced species, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, several other Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, and Florida in the United States. It is commonly cultivated as a garden flower.

This plant is a perennial herb growing from a thick taproot and woody stem base. It reaches a maximum height around 80 cm (31 in). The leaves are roughly oval in shape with toothed edges. The undersides are glandular and coated in white hairs. The upper surfaces may be somewhat hairy, as well. The leaves are up to 9 cm (3.5 in) long. Flowers occur in the leaf axils, borne in calyces of hairy, glandular sepals. The petals are rounded to oval, the longest exceeding 3 cm (1.2 in). They are white or yellowish with darker bases. The dark patches at the bases are nectar guides. The center of the flower is rough, feeling like a cat's tongue. The fruit is a hairy capsule containing seeds with white arils. The seeds are dispersed by ants, who are likely attracted to their high lipid content. The plant is pollinated by a variety of insects, including the bee Protomeliturga turnerae, which is oligolectic, specializing on this plant species and depending completely on it for reproduction. The male bee builds his territory around the plant, for example. Thus, this particular bee is a common pollinator of the flowers. Other insects observed at the plant include many other bee species, such as Trigona spinipes, Frieseomelitta doederleinii, and Plebeia flavocinta, butterflies such as Nisoniades macarius and Urbanus dorantes, and the beetle Pristimerus calcaratus.

Like most other Turnera, this species is heterostylous, with two morphs. The "pin" morph has long styles in its flowers, while the "thrum" morph has short styles. Both morphs produce the same amount of pollen. One study reported that during pollination, pin flowers receive more pollen from thrum flowers than from other pin flowers. The genes that cause this dimorphism in style size are the subject of current research. So far, it has been established that short styles contain proteins, polygalacturonases, that are absent in long styles.

Tanaman yang bernama latin Turnera subulata ini dikenal juga dengan nama lidah kucing dan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut holly rose.

Bunga pukul delapan (Turnera subulata) merupakan jenis tanaman yang mirip dengan Turnera ulmifolia atau west indian holly.

Bedanya, Turnera subulata memiliki bunga berwarna putih dan memiliki ukuran daun yang leih kecil dibandingkan daun Turnera ulmifolia.

Bunga ini ditemukan tumbuh liar dan pada umumnya tumbuh berkelompok.

Tumbuhan yang berasal dari Hindia Barat dan Meksiko ini dapat ditemukan di daerah pasir yang kering pada ketinggian 10 hingga 250 meter di atas permukaan laut.

Di Indonesia, bunga pukul delapan ini banyak dijumpai tumbuh di daerah Jawa, Sumatera, dan Kalimantan.

O iya, meski banyak tumbuh secara liar, tanaman ini dikenal sebagai tanaman hias, tanaman pengendali hama, dan tanaman obat.

Kenapa Dinamakan Bunga Pukul Delapan?

Bunga ini hanya mekar beberapa jam saja.

Disebut bunga pukul delapan karena hanya mekar dari pukul 8 pagi sampai sekitar pukul 12 siang.

O iya, bunga pukul delapan ini ada yang berwarna putih dan ada juga yang berwarna kuning.

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