Spell Dip (an acrostic message to all )

in mydailypost •  3 years ago  (edited)


S-ometimes and for somehow, we do make mistakes and we choose a wrong decision that eventually lead us into a hurtful trap. The consequences of our wrong decision was painful and yet we needed to understand and pay for it to keep going.

P-erhaps mistakes is part of the process to success and part of our learnings to enhance. We won't grow, we won't understand, and we won't appreciate the importance of learning if we won't get any challenges and if we won't feel the pain of failure. We might fail, but it doesn't mean we should stop on trying.

E-ncourage your self instead. Don't be afraid to try again as we have to remember that life is all about risking and developing.

L-earn the lessons from the wrong decisions and choices we make, so we won't make the same mistakes over and over again.

L-eading our self to our success may possibly hard and take a long process to make, but we should always consider that our success needs a lot of hard-works, not a magic spell to remember.

D-ecision making process by our negligence would definitely burn us inside, so it would always be better if we take our actions slow but steady.

I-mproving our skills and knowledge in life, comes from our own experiences. That is why even if we fail, even if we do mistakes we should keep on going.

P-atience and perseverance is the key! As our perseverance and determination will surely have a great outcome in the end. A beautiful outcome will serve as our rewards for our effort..

So if you're currently feeling hopeless after failing because of your wrong choices, please don't give up, instead remember to Spell Dip!

Thank you for reading ❤️

Image was edited using Canva

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