My favorite river is Amal

in my •  2 years ago 

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helly my all friends As soon as I mentioned the river, a river floated in front of my eyes, its name is Shitalakshya. Shitalakshya My favorite river is Amal, my house is in Bapanj of Narayanganj district right next to Shitalakshya river. Winter is deeply ingrained in my life. The form of Shitalakshya river varies from season to season. When the water dries up in the scorching heat of summer, wake up on both sides of the river, Char. Farmers cultivate potatoes, chillies, onions etc. there. In the morning we take the cows and goats to the pastures. Durubel, I gossiping in the river. I rested on the sand of the char, then jumped into the river again. Those who are a little older, swim across the river with a bet. We encourage them with applause. As the ship sails across the river, we stare blankly. I heard from my mother that there was a crocodile in this river at one time. But now. Sometimes the dolphin floats up and dives again. . Crocodile (not seen, but omnipotent. So.

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