helly everyone

in my •  2 years ago 

helly everyone my salfe sohel all most iKnowledge makes people humble. Man is illuminated by the radiance of knowledge. And it has to be done through education. He who is truly wise is a moderate. On the other hand, he who has little knowledge is a talker. The less educated person is so busy pretending that he or she does. Call, bullying, gossip are finally caught. And then, just as they have to be ridiculed, they also eat Nakani-Chobani on the floor or in Manu. That is why the terrible effect of ignorance is felt in the society. That is why those who pretend to be great are not truly wise; It is better to stay away from them. 41. Say unity. Emotion-expansion: When people work in unison, it is possible to do many difficult tasks easily. Humans are social creatures. Everyone in the society is dependent on each other. From this interdependence, on average, human society, human unity. So the relationship of unity with the existence of human life is deep. People have to live in this environment all the time. His enemy has no end. Organized force through human action to defeat the enemy in hostile environment. There is a guarantee of security in a united life. A united nation can be subdued by any force. The welfare of unity is reflected in individual and national life as well. It is possible for one person to do many things, and for ten people to do many things. In this way the nation grows in virtue of unity. In today's world, those who are known as a developed and prosperous nation, have sacrificed their lives for their own sake and have been inspired by national unity.

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