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in my •  2 years ago 

17F13F67-EB41-4EFC-9B65-C1DA7C91B974.jpeg Why only people have language? Why can't other animals talk like humans?
In the opinion of human beings, no other animal can express itself with the help of language. Scientists have found that only humans have the way the nervous system, brain and other organs need to be formed in order to use language. In other animals, the anatomy, nervous system, and brain structure are not conducive to language. So they can only make one kind of sound, but they can't talk. 1.1.2 Types of languages ​​There are two types of languages- (a) Oral Language and (b) Written Language. (A) Oral language: In the beginning of the world, language was created by word of mouth. Humans are social creatures. He feels the need to express his feelings to others in the pursuit of necessity. In ancient times there was no writing system in any corner. Oral language was then the only means of expression for man. Even today there are many languages ​​in the world which are spoken only orally, there is no system to express them in writing. In our country too, every ethnic group has its own language but not all of them have writing system. Languages ​​that do not have a written system are spoken orally. Oral language is a language which has no written form in any corner. It cannot be written because there are no letters or symbols. Only in oral language does its existence survive. (B) Written language: Basically we mean the language of the mouth. But oral language has limitations. After talking, Tahawa merged. At the end of a person's life, the language of his mouth is lost with him forever. As a result, there is no chance for the next generation of people to get acquainted with the knowledge, experience and perception of the dead. So people keep trying to figure out how to hold the language; So that a person's language can survive even after death. This is how the writing system was discovered in the hands of people one day.

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