14 Secret Elements To Create The Best Song

in music •  3 years ago 

This writing does not show that I am great, but I also listen to teachers or those who are more skilled in this field.

In this post, I want to discuss making songs. I'm sure there are many friends here who are very good at composing songs, and there are also those who are not very good at composing songs but really want to arrange songs.

In creating a song there are many elements that we must include in it, not only words, rhythm, story, and others. But in creating you have to combine several things so that it becomes an interesting work that can be enjoyed by others. There are several elements that we must consider in making a song. These elements include the ones I wrote about in my post below.
Here are 14 elements that will make the songs we make great:

1. Introduction

An intro is an introduction to a song at the beginning. The intro contains the chord progression of the song, or something completely different from the rest of the song's sessions. The intro can be instrumental or there are already lyrics from the song.

The intro is reinforced with elements, namely: Groove, Harmony, and an interesting sound. There is no specific definition of what a groove is. But groove can be interpreted as a beat, beat, or tempo that provides a groove that directs what genre of music the music is. Harmony can be interpreted as a harmonious mix of tones with other tones, both low and high notes. Harmony is also the harmony between one instrument and another. While the sound is a sound that does not always have to be pitched.

2. Verse

The verse is a session where a song describes the concept of the background story of the song. So usually there will be several lyric verses that will tell a number of situations that support the theme.

The thing that strengthens in this verse is "Close Chord Harmoni". Closed chord harmonies are intimate harmonies that allow listeners to enjoy the music more. For example, with tight chord harmonies, listeners will hear and absorb more of the lyrics along with the melody.

3. Pre-Chorus/Ramp

This is a part that is usually not always present in a regular song.
The technique of transitioning from verse to chorus smoothly with strong message context for the chorus session.
Pree Chorus is usually called a ramp because it will take us up a high road to the chorus. In a regular chorus pree, there are unique or different chords, such as from minor to major, or the 7th chord.

4. chorus

Chorus is a session that contains and emphasizes the complete message of the song. The chorus has backing vocals and the elements that make a song great are usually repeated several times until the end of the song.
Good songs usually have one chorus section, but sometimes more than one chorus or open chord section.

5. Bridge

The bridge is the most unique and different session from any side of the song.
A good technique if we want to give a fresh and interesting new atmosphere from the important message of the interim choir session. Many people think that the most important part of a song is the chorus, but if you look closely, the bridge is actually the most important. Because the bridge session contains the conclusion of the entire song.

6. Outro or Ending

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The outro is the end of a song or the last sound that ends the song. Outros can sometimes fade away by repeating chord progressions over and over or generally end up with strong final chord progressions

7. Song title

The song title is the name of a song. This naming is more directing listeners with the imagination of a story from the song before they listen to the song.

So need to be careful to name your song. The name of the song must be meaningful which of course is easy for the listener to remember and is usually taken from the chorus of the song. Song titles are the cutting edge, because when people want to know a song, the main thing they want to know is "what's the title".

8. Lyrics

The lyric is words that make up a poetic and rhythmic song. The lyrics in a song basically contain an expression of the soul that other people want to convey and listen to. Therefore, it is better to make lyrics that touch someone's heart so they will listen and feel what we feel.

9. Hook

The hook is a strong Session (ear catchy) that makes listeners become interested in the song. Hooks can be found in any session, such as verse, pre-chorus, chorus, and others. Even the title of the song can be a hook. The conclusion is that we have to dig into any session that could be a hook.

10. Chord

The Chord is the harmony of the song that defines the song and is significant or has a special feature in the song.
In it there is chord voicing, namely choosing the color of the chord or even choosing an interesting melody over a chord progression.
Sometimes someone makes a song in a major chord but it's more interesting when played in a minor chord, and vice versa. So when composing a song don't be afraid to try a few different chords until you find the one that works best. For example, just try C by playing CM, Cm, C +, C7th, CAug, and others.

11. Chord progression

The progression and harmony of a song that has the concept of moving a chord to another chord supports the wording of a melody to make it more interesting and even unique.

12. Melody

Melody is the sound of a series of notes from a sentence of a song, which is the basis for the tone of the lyrics sung in a song.
We have to be very observant in assembling the tone as we are careful in stringing words in song lyrics.

13. Rhythm and groove

Rhythm and groove is the concept of the rhythm of a song that takes part in shaping the atmosphere and mood of the song we make

14. Solo

Solo is a session where we play an instrument as an extension of the melody.
Usually, the solo gives an interesting effect to a song. Expertise in soloing can make a good contribution to the performance of the song itself.

The conclusion of this post is let's try to make/create a song by paying attention to the 14 elements mentioned above. Don't be afraid to try, because not only professional musicians are able to create good songs, but with the desire to learn and pay more attention to the elements in a song, we may also be able to create the best songs.

I have previously posted this Article on my blog

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