It’s Sunday morning! That means it’s Seventies Sunday! We’ve been doing a lot of late seventies NewWave/PostPunk era stuff so we’ll continue that.
Ashlee picks 1979 and the first Cure album. Picking two songs off the album Three Imaginary Boys.
Gene goes with the debut album from Johnny Rottens post Sex Pistols “Public Image. A band he’s released 15X more albums than with the pistols but that’s a story for another day. Picking the songs Annalisa & the song Public Image, not to be confu with band/album/song all having same name 😂. The album was released in 1978! In my opinion the guitarist from U2 stole half the riffs from the first two U2 records from that single song! Not a joke! It’s first one up check it out ⬇️
Gene’s DailyJam ⬇️
Public Image - Public Image (1978)
Public Image - Annalisa
Gene’s BonusJam ⬆️
Ashlees DailyJam ⬇️
The Cure - Grinding Halt
The Cure - 10:15 Saturday Night
Ashlees BonusJam ⬆️