Delete emails on mobile in one minute

in mubayil •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All Praise be to Allah Almighty Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are all very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty I am also in your prayers and in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty Being the subject
There are some shortcut ways to delete inbox unnecessarily late.


Gmail can actively send you unsolicited emails. Every day some emails come to our Gmail. Maybe we need some and some unsolicited advertising emails come to our Gmail. This is a little trick for those who have not cleared your inbox for a long time.
Throughout the day, some e-mails keep coming to our phone for some needs and some advertisements that we never need.
Many people are worried about this. There is no reason to worry. Today I will share with you a strategy that will enable you to actively delete junk emails in your Gmail forever.
You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo.
You may be surprised to hear that your Gmail can actively delete your emails,
Gmail offers us 15 GB of free storage space per head,
This applies to all of our Google Accounts.
That includes Gmail Drive photos and more,
Learn how your Gmail can actively delete your emails.
Open Gmail on your PC or laptop
A filter in the search bar
Click on the icon.
Then you will see the form written above. It is not important for you to keep writing the names of the mails unnecessarily. Also, write the names of the emails that you do not need.
Then all you have to do is click on Create Filter, then all you have to do is delete it with one click.
Then click on Create Folder again
This will not only delete your old emails but will automatically delete your active and unneeded items in the coming days.
I hope you will read today's issue. Many people are suffering from this problem. I hope you have found the solution to this problem. I wish you all the best and stay healthy.

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