My Magic the Gathering Chronicles- The Beginning

in mtg •  2 years ago 

My Magic the Gathering Chronicles- The Beginning


I wanted to start this blog because I've been a long time Magic the gathering player in a long time Magic the gathering seller. I've been playing Magic the gathering ever since ice age came out around 1995 it's been a huge part of my life. I'll give you an example of some of the craziness I saw at that point in the game. I regularly saw black lotuses go for $300 I saw mox's go for $200 juzam Djinn went for $200 and just a lot of the cards that we take for granted as being very expensive or very cheap. The cards debuted on Inquest Magazine, and the cards did not leak out on the internet as they do today. Many cards were released without us knowing the art before we opened packs.


I'm going to take you back to memory I have during the Urza's block I was in high school and it was an incredible time in Magic the gathering. This is before Odyssey this was before a lot of the tribal mechanics versus block came out of and right after the tempest block or the rathblock. I plan on making this block on blurt as well so keep an eye out I'm probably going to break it out as its own blog and keep it here but Magic the gathering is something that I really enjoy and I've got a thousand stories believe you me.

I would regularly get packs of Urza's saga, Legacy and Urza's destiny and out of those packs are pulled Tulare and academies time spirals every once in awhile we would get a mastercore just incredible stuff you really felt like when you open those packs you were opening up value. at this time I could buy tempest packs I could also buy 5th edition packs I was opening up cities of brass I was opening up Kerr scrolls and just amazing stuff at that time the game was very fast-paced and Earth is block was a transition from more of Fast Pace jackal pup cursed scroll black shadow to more of a combo deck.


Back in this time you could really get some great value things were cheap I remember opening up Italian legends cards full boosters I remember opening up a revised starter deck at this time that I purchased for $30 and I got a revised Edition Bayou out of it. At this time you could regularly purchase older sets there wasn't as much demand there wasn't a reserve list that was so popular and it was just a blast to play the game you have to realize that they were really two games at that time a speed game and a combo game it was just grand. Early 2000s Magic was magical like that.

At this time I was in high school I was doing landscaping and I was able to purchase packs I was even purchasing packs from the dark for $8 a piece I was purchasing some purchasing some of the older stuff when I got the money to every once in awhile I could get an antiquities pack made before 50 to $80 and it was just great. We got great deals on store repacks, and places like Walmart got stacks of old packs we gladly purchased. Back then it was a deal.

The piece de resistance of my collection was a full set of revised Edition duels I even had some of the original unlimited Edition dual lands. at the time it was about 2001 I could purchase dual lands for $20 a piece that was the standard think about that underground seas $20 a piece tundra is $20 a piece volcanic islands $20 a piece it was an incredible time to play the game we were all purchasing these cards and there just wasn't the demand that you see today.

I grew up on the West coast and that was really a Haven for cards it rained a lot there so people would go inside and play Magic the gathering cards Pokemon cards and Yu-Gi-Oh we played differently back then we made sure that we had the man around that we needed we had the soul rings we had the manifolds we had the grim monolith we had all that stuff we would regularly get out high price creatures and just wail on each other that was how we played the game.

That was until my friend and I decided we're going to play suicide black decks for those who don't know there are a bunch of creatures with Shadow and there's a card called hatred and that card gives a giant boost to your creature whenever you pay life so we would lay down a bunch of creatures that were cheap cast to hatred and that would automatically pump the power of one of our creatures we would also use unholy strength would use dark ritual to get stuff out and city of trator which at that time was a $5 card. For those who don't know, there are 5 colors in magic and black is the evil color with swamps as it's land. We ruled the game with classics like dark ritual, city of traiors and our amazing creatures. We used demonic tutor and demonic consultation to search up a hatred for a quick win.

at this time as you can guess I played on a league I should came in second place in a tournament I played with my taigas yep I had t a i g a and I used that to find with a land grant and I had kird apes in there so I had what was incredibly fast red Deck with a few lands I'll see you some of the fetch lands to find my Lance so I came out blazing I got second place I lost to a white blue control deck but that's how we played back then it was either combo decks or it was fast decks.

Thanks for reading this if this Spurs any memories please let me know I really love Magic the gathering and it's something that I've been playing my whole life this is just something I wanted to record on the blockchain I want to get your input as I'm a huge fan.

All cards are credited to Wizards of the Coast 1993-present. Magic the Gathering cards pictured.

Posted on Hive and Blurt

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