The Howl Movie Explanation

in movies •  3 years ago 

hi friends! I was watching a movie at night which was called howl. The film was based on man-eating wolves. Let me tell you a little story of this movie and I think you have seen this movie too.

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The story of the movie is that some people are traveling in the train. The train has to go from one city to another and all the passengers have to go in the same city, The train had to pass through a jungle to get to another city. And as the train was passing through this forest at night, suddenly the fuel pipe of the train leaked. And the train stops in this forest, and after a while the driver of the train announces that the train has to stop due to some technical glitch. After a while we will fix the train and get out of here. After telling the passengers all this, the train driver gets off the train and with a torch tries to see where the problem is and where the problem is.

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For a long time the driver of the train kept looking for the fault but then suddenly he saw a deer that came under the train. He tries to get the dead deer out, so he makes a noise. And he gets up quickly and pays attention to the sound and lights the flashlight and looks around. One of the animals attacked him and killed the driver and took his body into the forest. The passenger and the rest of the crew are waiting to see when our train will be OK and when we will leave. When enough time passes, passengers begin to worry about the train crew wondering if there is such a crappy train. Which is still stuck in the road. At that moment, a man from the train crew gets up and starts walking towards the driver's cabin. When the man enters the driver's cabin of the train, he realizes that the driver of the train does not exist and is shocked to see this. After a while, when he comes back to the passengers of the train, the passengers ask him what is wrong, why don't you tell us?

So he tells the passengers that our train is stuck in the jungle and our team driver is missing. In fact, This man of crew on the train is the hero of the movie. passengers call this train crew man very bad and tell him to open the train doors and we will on foot and will take the rest of the journey. But the man refuses to open the train door, and when he is forced to, he is silent. A train crew girl he loves tells Joe to open the door and we can't wait here all night. Finally he opens the door of the train and tells the passengers that today I will lose my job because of you people. All the passengers, including the train crew, start walking in a line in the forest. In it he hears the screams of a wolf and then the crew man and the other girl he loves. They both look at the driver's body, which was eaten by half the animals. They both panic and tell the passengers to hurry back inside the train and start running. Everyone runs to train door, opens the door, and walks in one by one. Finally an elderly man and his elderly wife are running slowly behind and when they arrive at the train door, the crew man was waiting for them to close the door. It happens that the old man is dragged inside the train. But the old woman with him is still inside the door, and one of her legs is still outside the door. And the human-like wolf arrives and the crew man quickly closes the door. And one leg of this old woman gets stuck in the door, so much so that the wolf bites her leg.

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Then the passenger and the train crew pull the old woman inside. Finally they pull the old woman inside the train and the train door is locked. The wolf is howling outside and the passengers and train crew are scurrying inside. A passenger inside the train is a young girl who gets a call from her mother and goes to the window to hear the call. She is listening to the phone and is telling her story when suddenly the window glass breaks and the wolf pulls the girl away. All the passengers startled and started crying.

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So a fat fresh passenger of the train goes to the washroom of the train. And after a while, they hear some voices that are about to break something. And when everyone tries to see what's going on, they see the wolf tearing the roof over the washroom. The wolf tears the roof of the washroom and eats the fat fresh passenger and then enters the train. And the wolf or tries to enter the room where the passengers are in the train room. All the passengers and the train crew try hard to stop the wolf from coming in but eventually the wolf gets in and starts moving towards the passengers and the train crew. In that case, they will pick up whatever they can get their hands on.


The wolf attacks a man on the train crew, then a young boy stabs the wolf in the eye. The wolf screams and gets angry so much so that whatever was ready in the passenger's hand they start killing the wolf until the wolf dies. And the old woman who is bitten by the wolf also becomes a wolf. So all those train passengers know that these wolves were once human like us and they were bitten by a wolf and they also became wolves. And now the train crew and the train passengers start working together to fix the train. There is a mechanical student inside the train and he tells them that I can fix the train and he says that I think there is a fuel leak in the train. And to fix that I have to get off the train and have a servant with me. There is one more student that I will go with you. Eventually they both arrive at the wreckage of the train and the mechanical student tells the boy to wait outside. I go downstairs and fix the train's fuel pipe. The boy standing outside has an ax in his hand and he hears some noises in the forest.

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He slowly walks towards these voices in fear. In fact, it is the voice of a girl. When he enters the forest then they gather around him and kill him too. The student is fixing the train under the train. He knows that his partner killed. And inside the train those passengers and the train crew are waiting for them both. And when that student fixes the pipe of this train. Then the engine of the train starts.The wolves gather around the student but cannot see from there because the student is under the train and he gets stuck with the train. The train crew waits a long time for the boy and then thinks that the boy may have been killed too and they start the train and walk away. But the boy is stuck under the train and on the other side in the room where the passengers are, the old woman has become a complete wolf. And the old woman who becomes a wolf kills all the passengers on the train. Only one survives.And the train pipe breaks again and the train stops. There is only one boy and one girl left in the train crew who rush to the passenger room of the train. And when they get there, they find that they are all slain, and that there is only one man alive who was a greedy man. The man who survives Tan's crew is the movie's hero, and a fight ensues between the hero and the other greedy man. And the greedy man locks the boy and the girl in the train, gets himself down and runs for his life. Then the student who is stuck under the train comes out, and saves the life of the hero and the girl who are trapped in the train. Why there are wolves on every side of the train that are attacking people. The student saves both of them, but the student is killed by a wolf. After all who is the hero of this movie. He rescues the girl and sends her away, and he himself becomes the food of the wolves. And the greedy man is killed by the hero of this movie.


Throughout the film, the girl whose life the hero saves survives. And everyone else is killed. This is a horror movie that I really liked. I have worked hard on this post and you will definitely enjoy it.

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