The family of the future.- Summary

in movies •  2 years ago 

Welcome to the new summary of the movie that I saw last night with my daughter, as always I will share with you the teaching that this movie can give us.

This movie is the family of the future.




This movie begins on a rainy night, a woman carries a baby in her arms, which leaves him in front of an orphanage, knocks on the door and runs away. Luis grows up in this orphanage, he is a very smart boy, he spends his time creating artifacts that can help people, but none of them have come out with good results yet, he has a friend named Guz, and Louis is close to being a teenager. That makes him less likely to be adopted, but apart from the fact that when he introduces him to the family he always presents his inventions, they have never gone well, they do not end up adopting him, he goes to the roof and Miss Mildred gets to where He is sitting in a box that has counted the number of times he has seen people who want to adopt but out of 124 none want him, he does not want to continue going through the same thing.



Louis focuses on looking for his mother and says that when he was a baby he saw her, that memory must be in his memory, for that he must make an artifact that can reflect his memories, he worked day and night, this makes his friend Guz I can't sleep well. He focused on this invention and ignored the new family that came to see him, his teacher saw his great interest in science, he invited him to a contest and artifact fair, he continued working on the artifact that was tested in the classroom, the children They put on a mask, because they already know their other inventions have failed, this one has not been the exception either.

But Louis this does not paralyze him, he continues analyzing and testing, motivating himself even more with making this invention, you spend days this nothing paralyzes him, Guz continues to spend a bad night without sleeping, this does not do him good because the baseball player, but Loius already has his invention ready, he goes to the science fair, in that Louis arrives at the fair hall, orders his invention.

In this the professor arrives talking to a scientist, in that Louis realizes that under the sheet there is a hidden boy, he introduces himself as Willmo Robinson, tells him that he comes from the future, he is looking for a tall man with a hat, but in that what Wilmo searches for a girl to drop some frogs and he helps her, on the other hand a robotic hat approaches Louis's invention, loosens a screw, when Louis is about to present the project the professor the scientist approaches, begins the presentation , but this fails causing a stir in the room, Louis this time is discouraged because everything went wrong.


Then the hat repairs the invention, the man with a cape takes the invention without anyone noticing. Louis goes to the roof, checks the details in his notebook, to verify what went wrong, but suddenly annoyed, he starts damaging the notebook and notices throwing the sheets away, Wilmo arrives next to him, they tell him that the man in the hat ruined his invention, but Louis does not believe it, to which Wilmo shows him that it is true that they come from the future, he shows his ship to Louis, from there both boys start an adventure that will change Louis' life and his thoughts.



This is a computer animated movie, made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, it premiered in 2007, it had a promotional phrase Some families are quite a journey... this is an adventure!


  • Our failure as a key to moving forward. Many people when they fail what they do is get frustrated and decide not to move forward, they do not see the positive side of failure, what they could learn, what details must be adjusted to continue moving forward.

  • We can never lose confidence in ourselves: In the movie we saw how Wilmo did his best to encourage Louis in his project, that at no time did he shut up, much less that he lost confidence in what they could.

  • United family is the best: We can see how a family helped our protagonist Louis, being an external child to them, they fought with him to save him.

  • Fight for your dreams: We see how Louis clung to the dream of seeing his mother again, of finding an invention that would make her remember her origin.

  • An act can change destiny: We see how Louis helps Guz at the end, so that he does not cling to the negative, he helps him the day he had to catch the ball, he did not stay alone as he was in the optional future.

  • Walk towards the future: In a large part of the movie we see this motto, in each step it is a celebration of a mistake, it shows us that we should not close ourselves in our failure, but celebrate them, keep moving forward, that we should leave that moment of frustration pass, see how we can continue advancing.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope it will be good are spending good times with your kids.good time to see this kind of movies with kids.thank you very much

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
