Shopping love for Christmas in "12 christmas gift"

in movie •  6 months ago 


Christmas is coming and of course, the movie industry launches its offer of movies and series allusive to this date, both to show classics, as well as to delight with new stories that show us that they are not just another date, even if we do not profess the Christian religion.

And although I am not one to marathon Christmas movies (my inner Grinch really comes out on these dates), looking for what to watch on Pluto Tv, I came across the movie 12 gifts for Christmas, which caught my attention, and not because the main character is a cute guy, although he is!


The story begins when Anna, the main character who is a painter, starts working as a shopping assistant and meets Mark, an advertising creative who hires her.

She not only complies with the offer, but also, in a way, manages to generate in him an internal change, which leads him to think outside the established routines.

A fairly simple plot, but that leads us to think about how important it is to be aware of what others say. It is worthless to give an expensive gift, when the one who receives it continues with the same emotional deficiencies? And that metamessage is clearly manifested through Anna's actions in her performance as an assistant, even though Mark initially disagreed with her decisions.

What I like is that there are no unexpected events such as gifts that can't be found, fights over bargains, late arrivals or other clichés that are always included in Christmas movies. Nor do spirits from the past or tragedies that bring families together.

Rather, it keeps it simple: to remember what the essence of Christmas is, beyond the decorations, gifts and the religious aspect. At no time does it ask us to believe, but on the contrary, it goes for the "feeling". In fact at some point one of the characters makes it clear when he says that the protagonist thinks of selling instead of feeling, and that is the key to understand the true meaning of the whole plot.


And as it could not be missing, cupid does his thing, but this time taken by the hand of the Christmas spirit, since in the end love is a complement that should not be missing at this time.

This film, dating from 2015, directed by Peter Sullivan, is a sample that with little you can say a lot, and that conflicts should not necessarily involve drama, but rather a self-recognition towards our own failures and shortcomings, to evolve as people and get that which perhaps we seek in others, when it is within ourselves.

It's a simple and easy to digest story, with actors little (or not at all) known in the film industry, making it quite fresh for those looking to enjoy a new movie to add to their Christmas marathon combo.

So if you haven't seen it, I invite you to do so, because my inner Grinch just love it!

Photo by: screenshot from the movie 12 christmas gift on Pluto Tv
Edited by @mamaemigrante using canva


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