Emancipation: A hidden fact.

in movie •  last year 

IMG_20230111_184048_174.jpg Source: Telegram Channel

Many of us don't know how powerful words are to people but then I think this movie and the little am about to say about it will change that mentality.

This is a story of a man who escapes from slavery believing his faith and deep love for his family.

He was a loyal but angry slave looking for an opportunity to strike but have been made to believe that no one can escape the slave hunter.

One day a striking conversation came up and they talked about how slaves where freed by Abraham Lincoln with just that there was hope for Peter and he plotted an escape with some other slaves.

Now am going to be talking more specifically about Will Smith which is Peter is in the movie so as to make you understand that words are powerful.

After the plot peter was working and was relieved to work in another sector where he had to kill two of the slaver and there he began his journey to freedom.

They all headed to the swamp and out 4 people 3 made it across and the other one was killed after revealing the plot to the slave hunter and his boys.

The hunt started and for day peter was in the swamp swimming from one swamp to the other and in one of this swamp he forth a crocodile with a small knife.

Now here is what I want you to understand in this Movies many will only think of it as a slave escaping and succeeding, but he wouldn't have done it if not for the word he had heard, he didn't hear a word what peter heard was hope and he believed it.

He made a promise to his family that he'll return and he did and when he returned he joined the soldiers and went to war, with his help the other slaves got their freedom.

This is my first time of writing about a movie, I hope to learn more and be better with it.

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