Berita terbaru tentang red flag di motogp

in motogp •  3 years ago 

Red Flag situations or red flags when the race has been running for more than half the part sometimes raises pros and cons. For this reason, new rules have been made starting MotoGP 2022.

A red flag being flown means that the race has been stopped for an urgent reason. The riders had to rush back to the paddock.

Quoted from, Wednesday (2/23/2022), the Grand Prix Commission has decided that the official race results will now be taken from the last time the race leader crossed the start-finish line, before the red flag was raised.

"Previously, if a race was marked with a red flag and the final result was announced, the result was taken from the lap in which all the riders last crossed the finish line," the Grand Prix Commission said in a statement.

"If there is a driver or some drivers are half a lap or more behind the leader of the race, then the classification of the race is taken from the previous lap. Even if, when the leader of the race and the majority of the riders have already completed the next lap. In this case, there is a change of position or a crash on the last lap of the leader race is debatable."

It is stated that this regulation will take effect immediately. The result when the red flag is raised will now be taken from the last time the race leader crossed the start-finish line before the red flag was raised.

All drivers who cross the start-finish line on the same lap as the race leader will be classified according to the order.

Meanwhile, other riders who are not on the same lap will be classified based on when they crossed the finish line in the previous lap.



Situasi Red Flag atau bendera merah di saat balapan sudah berjalan lebih dari setengah bagian terkadang menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Untuk itu, dibuatlah aturan baru mulai MotoGP 2022 ini.

Bendera merah dikibarkan artinya jalannya balapan dihentikan karena suatu alasan mendesak. Para pebalap pun harus bergegas kembali ke paddock.

Dikutip dari, Rabu (23/2/2022), Komisi Grand Prix sudah memutuskan bahwa hasil balapan resmi sekarang akan diambil dari terakhir kali pemimpin balapan melewati garis start-finis, sebelum bendera merah dikibarkan.

"Sebelumnya, jika balapan ditandai dengan bendera merah dan hasil akhir diumumkan, hasilnya diambil dari putaran di mana semua pebalap terakhir kali melewati garis finis," tulis pernyataan resmi Komisi Grand Prix.

"Jika ada pebalap atau beberapa pebalap tertinggal setengah lap atau lebih dari pemimpin balapan, maka klasifikasi balap diambil dari lap sebelumnya. Meskipun, ketika pemimpin balapan dan mayoritas pebalap sudah menyelesaikan lap berikutnya. Dalam kasus ini, adanya perubahan posisi atau crash pada lap terakhir pemimpin balapan diperdebatkan," sambungnya.

Disebutkan bahwa regulasi ini berlaku segera. Hasil ketika bendera merah dikibarkan sekarang akan diambil dari terakhir kalinya pemimpin balapan melewati garis start-finis sebelum bendera merah dikibarkan.

Semua pebalap yang melewati garis start-finis pada lap yang sama dengan pemimpin balapan akan diklasifikasikan sesuai urutan.

Sementara untuk pebalap lainnya yang tidak berada pada lap yang sama, akan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan ketika mereka melewati garis finis pada putaran sebelumnya.

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