You Can Manifest a Giver Attitude

in motivation •  4 years ago 

If you have ever seen the movie "The Office," then you know what the main character is like; a giver, who has an attitude problem. It isn't that his job is giving people what they want. It's that his attitude is more toward what he wants to receive, than giving himself or others what they want.


When your goal is to give or receive something, your attitude becomes one of expectation. It's not just the money and the things you get. It is all about the expectations you set for other people.

Most people do not realize this until it's too late. They have made their own expectations, but have no idea how to meet them. So they just never do. And they don't like what they don't get.

Attitude can be hard to change, even when you are trying. It's not easy, but it can be done. If you want to portray a giver attitude in your relationships, there are some easy steps that will help you get started.

First, let yourself relax. Give yourself time to cool off. Try not to think about what you are doing or where you are going.

Also, be aware that a positive outlook can be contagious. And if others can see the way you see things, then they can see how you see yourself.

Having the right attitude can also help you succeed in your job. The boss may not appreciate your attitude, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't show it in your interactions with the people you work with.

The boss may not like that, but in the end it won't matter. When you succeed, that's all that counts.

Second, be sure to give. Even though it may seem selfish to you, when you're showing your giving attitude to others, it shows that you appreciate and value them as people. They will notice it in return, and it will make them more likely to want to give and be around you.

Give more than you take. Don't only give when you have to. This can seem like a selfish act, but really you need to do it. in order to maintain a positive attitude.

Do things for others that they might want but don't have. This may seem like an unusual suggestion, but in the long run it really makes sense.

If you give to others who deserve it, then you will be able to get it back from them. When you give more than you take, you will be building a relationship.

If you give more than you take, you will also feel a better sense of satisfaction that you are giving more than you are taking. This can make you feel good in your relationships and your life.

You can portray a giver attitude, and then you can start living the life you've always wanted. by practicing it in your relationships.

When you give more than you take, you build that relationship. You will be able to maintain your relationships in a way that allows you to feel good about them.

You will also be able to maintain the quality of those relationships. Because you have given more than you have taken, you will be able to do the things that you need to do in order to keep your relationships healthy. When you take on too much or give too little, then things in your relationship begin to deteriorate.

When you give more than you take, the relationship will become healthier and more stable. Because you are able to do the things you need to do, you can enjoy it and have more happiness in your relationships. Instead of feeling stressed about everything, you're in the relationship.

You can see a giver attitude working for you if you practice it in your relationships. When you practice it in all areas of your life, you will become a happier person.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes, if you are always "giving to GET" your giving isn't really authentic or caring, it's just a transaction.