Goal Process Visualization For Success - How to Use a Creative Visualization For Your Success

in motivation •  4 years ago 

Here's a simple exercise to visualize your success. Take some time and try this. Think back over the past year, or even the last few months, and attempt to pinpoint exactly what you did to achieve your goals, both short-term and long-term.

First, you will need an affirmation. The easiest is to write down a positive affirmation. I like to use something simple, like I am a glass half full kind of wording. You can also choose from books with affirmation exercises. This works great for me because I can always put together an affirmation that I remember each time I visualize my success.

Second, you will need to get yourself into a comfortable mental state. Try and rehearse your affirmation anywhere you are comfortable. I suggest you do this at your kitchen table, in your bed, or wherever you like. You'll want to rehearse until it feels natural, and not forced. I find that if I force the visualization, it usually doesn't come out as strong as if I had done it naturally.

Third, tell yourself that you will visualize your goals. Use whatever words work for you to say these words. I find that saying, "I will", or "I will succeed" is very effective. You will be forcing your mind to picture this, so it will be much stronger. Also, you will be using the power of your voice, which is very powerful. You have probably heard the saying, "the power of your voice goes far and wide."

Fourth, you will create associations with the good things you have done. You can make these associations very easily with mental pictures. For example, if you went to the park and watched all of the kids playing, you would have many positive associations with that experience. By doing a visualization step each day that relates to your goals, you will create more of those good things.

Fifth, use visualization techniques. There are tons of visualization techniques. You don't have to learn them all. If you can visualize your goals in your own head, then you can just use a simple visualization technique. For example, if you want to lose weight, you could visualize yourself at a beach or lying on a hammock.

Sixth, visualized success will lead to creative visualization. When you do a simple, creative visualization for any goal, you will immediately begin to see results. That's because the more you visualize, the more you focus on what you want. So when you do your goal visualization every day, you will find that it becomes second nature to do the things you need to do to achieve your success.

Seventh, your subconscious mind will use the goal as a cue to get you to take action. When you imagine your success, you will put yourself in the mood to take action. So even when your brain is telling you that you're not going to make it, when you do a visualization for your success, it will help you take that action.

Whether you use goal process visualization or creative visualization, the important thing is that you begin to work toward your goal, every day. Then, when your process visualization for success leads you to your goal, you will feel so good that you'll want to do it again right away. Just think about the things that you know you need to do, and what your goals are now. Can you think of anything else that you need to do? Can you visualize it?

If you haven't tried visualizations for your success yet, then try it. When you start visualization, make sure that you have a quiet, warm place where you won't be interrupted. Start by imagining how beautiful life will be when you have everything you desire. Begin to visualize your success. Don't be afraid to use your imagination and visualizations, however you choose. As long as you stay in the moment and don't feel anxious about your visualization, it will be a great experience for you.

Another great thing to use for your success is affirmations. If you haven't already done so, then do so right away. Using affirmations or visualizations in combination with goal process visualization can put you into an "Aha!" moment.

Once you have entered into the "Aha! moment," take time to listen to your inner voice. Ask yourself, am I clear and aware of my desires? Am I willing to make the changes that are necessary for my goal? Can I envision my goal and bring myself to it? Once you get clear on these things, you will have found your goal and visualized your success!

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