Do Not Ignore Discomfort Often Makes You Sick

in motivation •  4 years ago 

Discomfort often makes us stronger. If we face our difficulties with strength and confidence, discomfort fades into the background. The ability to persist and continue makes us strong. If you experience chronic pain, the ability to endure can be the difference between success and failure.


Sometimes discomfort is a signal that something is wrong with your body. It could be an internal malfunction, a symptom of an underlying illness, or a side effect of medication. Many illnesses originate in our internal organs. Kidney infections, for example, are often symptoms of kidney disease. Internal problems can lead to serious health issues.

Most discomfort, however, has no apparent reason for being happening. Many ailments start because the body's systems are not working the way they should. In some cases, the body is simply out of balance. It is a common systemic issue.

When the body's systems are not functioning the way they should, discomfort can occur. There are many different things that might throw our systems off kilter. Illness, injury, depression, stress, fatigue, anxiety, pregnancy, medications, and a dozen other things can affect our bodies in these ways. When discomfort occurs, we need to determine what it is and go from there. Without knowing why we are feeling the way we do, it is impossible to correct it.

What we do know is that discomfort often becomes a way of life. It may start slowly, but in many cases, it begins slowly and becomes severe. The good news is that there are many ways to get back on track. One of the first steps is to identify the problem. Is the pain being caused by an organ or system? Or is it something more generic like stress, depression, or anxiety?

Once you know what it is, you can take steps to correct it. If it is an organ or system issue, most health and fitness professionals suggest getting your body healthier. This is usually done through a proper diet, exercise, and good supplement choices. If it is a mental issue, perhaps with your thoughts or emotions, there are plenty of books, tapes, or even counseling options available. Either way, it is important to work on being mentally healthy.

You may also decide that you need to change your way of living. Some people go on a drinking and smoking regimen, and while this has been shown to dramatically reduce health risks, it also creates lots of additional problems of its own. Living a healthier lifestyle can improve your overall health and quality of life. This is something that everyone should consider.

Finally, another way to get back on track after distress is to take up an activity or two. Nothing gets the heart pumping like getting out for a walk. The stress of everyday life can make us feel sluggish. Exercising regularly releases endorphins which give us a sense of personal freedom as well as a healthier outlook on life.

One word of caution about exercise however. Do not overdo it. In fact, if you are not in shape already, it is probably best to leave it at home! If you are already in decent shape though, do not overlook the benefits of adding some regular activity into your daily routine.

It is also important to get regular sleep. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can cost you health and money. You need to get at least seven hours each night to maintain optimal health. While there are prescription medicines you can take, natural remedies are the best way to ensure your body is as healthy as possible. Herbal teas, essential oils, and self-massage are just a few options you have for better sleep. Natural cures are also less expensive than visiting the doctor.

In addition to having a good attitude about your overall health, you also need to make sure you are following a sensible diet. This means plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat plenty of whole grains such as oats and whole wheat bread. Cut back on fatty foods and fried items. Drink plenty of water each day and try to avoid caffeinated beverages.

Remember, your comfort level with yourself and your body comes from within. It is up to you to make the changes that will make you feel better. If you are having uncomfortable feelings or health concerns, do not wait. Take action now before it's too late.

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